Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: The Eye of the Storm

"So I never really got to meet Trevor Noah." Kyle said, his voice casual and relaxed. "But one day I will meet that comedian you guys, mark my words."

Cole nodded as he listened, smiling softly at the determination in Kyle's voice.

Kyle reached out and ran his hand through Cole's hair.

"When was the last time you got a haircut?" Kyle asked suddenly, throwing out the first excuse that he could come up with for touching Cole's hair.

Cole shrugged while grabbing a small chunk of hair and looking at it himself.

"I think two months maybe?"

Kyle ran his hands through the strands two more times before removing his hand.

"I can tell." Kyle added as an afterthought. Oscar snorted loudly and shook his head. Kyle looked over and Oscar with a dark glare but Oscar just smiled mockingly.

"That last line was really unneeded." Oscar told Kyle. Kyle felt his face heat up and scowled at his friend.

"Shut up."

Everyone laughed at Kyle's embarrassment and Kyle tried to use nearby pillows to cover his face. He wasn't happy to be the butt of the joke but he was relieved that the attention was off of his behaviour.

Behaviour that has been happening for weeks.

Since Kyle had his freak out over his behaviour, over three weeks had passed. And a lot had happened.

For one, Cole had decided that he like balance and strength building exercises so the boys narrowed down their workouts. Testing passed and now everyone was days away from winter break.

But, the worst of all of the events was that every day that passed, Kyle's ability to control his actions around Cole got worse.

A month ago, Kyle would have died if he ever told Cole how much he loved the other boy's freckles. But now, Kyle had mentioned them by accident at least three times. It was a regular occurrence for Kyle to "platonically" touch Cole, compliment him, and hold him close.

Kyle's saving grace was Cole's denseness, the redhead completely believed that Kyle had been toning down his touchy personality until he deemed Cole to be comfortable with it, and Kyle went along with it.

In some cases, Kyle would have to make some excuse for an action or weird thing that he says so that Cole doesn't catch on.

Kyle peeked out from behind his pillow and found Angela giving him a knowing gaze. Unwilling to stare at the look any longer, Kyle dipped back behind the pillow.

Unlike Cole, however, the rest of their friend's had already started to catch on.

Knowing glances, silently teasing smirks, and playful shoves were regular occurrences when Kyle and Cole were near each other. And that was usually because Kyle lost control and did something.

Kyle had never been scared to come out after he realized that he was into Cole. Kyle knew that his family an friends were super chill about that type of stuff so it was never a point of concern.

But, Kyle had hoped that he would have gotten the opportunity to formally come out to his friends. After all of this though that opportunity went down the drain.

Kyle sighed heavily and threw the pillow off of his face. He would have to deal with the other five people in the room eventually, he may as well start now.

"Alright!" Kyle yelled, standing up confidently as if he knew exactly what he was doing. "Let's do something!"

Neal looked up at Kyle and smiled softly. He saw right through his best friend but refrained from causing Kyle more embarrassment.

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