Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: I’ve Gotta Go My Own Way~

When Cole arrived at the baseball field to work out that afternoon, Kyle was nowhere to be seen. Cole expected this because Kyle would have to come after practice. So, he decided the previous day that he would come early and get started on his own so Kyle would have to do less work.

Over the break, he realized that it wasn’t fair to have Kyle help him with his own fitness every day after school even when Kyle was tired from practice.

But, Kyle had never complained and selfishly, Cole wanted to spend more time with him as well. The best that he could do was do most of the work on his own.

Cole sat down on the cold dirt floor and started to stretch to warm up. When Kyle eventually got there, the roles were reversed because it was Cole who was jogging around the field and Kyle who came later.

“Damn, Cole.” Kyle called with a cheeky grin. Cole looked back at Kyle and smiled widely at his friend. “Look at you, being all fit and stuff.”

Cole jogged back to Kyle and chuckled through panted breaths.

“Honestly, I was a bit worried that you wouldn’t be able to keep up after our break.” Kyle told Cole with a teasing smile. Cole scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“Please, you are the one who took a break, I was still working out every other day.” Cole said proudly, puffing out his chest. Kyle raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“It seems like you don’t actually need me helping you out anymore.” Kyle said, smiling despite the fact that the statement did make him a bit sad.

“I don’t.” Cole said, fighting himself to keep back his smile. “It’s just nice to have the company.”

The two smiled softly at each other for a moment before Kyle realized what he was doing.

Kyle learned that excessive staring was one of the fastest roads to his slip-ups and he didn’t want to have to lie anymore today than he already did.

Quickly looking at the ground, Kyle clapped his hands and rubbed them together.

“Let’s get started then. I, uh, planned out today based on what you told me about what you wanted to do last time.” Kyle said, stumbling over his words slightly as thoughts of Cole’s eyes on him ran through his head.

Kyle was quick to explain what they were going to do, but when he got ready to do the exercises, Cole stopped him.

“Wait.” He said firmly, causing Kyle to freeze when he was halfway down to the floor. “You just had practice right?”

Kyle raised a single eyebrow but nodded his head.

“I don’t think that you should be doing the exercises with me anymore. You have practice most of the week and work out at home sometimes. It’s too much for your body.” Cole explained. His voice was calm but deeply concerned.

Kyle tried to argue against Cole, but the entire time that he did, Cole stared at him with his large gray eyes.

Kyle didn’t want to fight against Cole, no matter how small it was, and Cole made it impossible to fight much by giving him a consistent stubborn and concerned look.

It took less than a minute for Kyle to give up and stand there and be a couch while Cole worked out.

And work out he did. After the break, Cole seemed to come into his own and Kyle had to continually add more sets and make exercises harder because Cole had improved so much from the beginning.

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