Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Does This Leotard Make Me Look Fat?

Kyle honestly couldn't believe that he was in a car with Neal, Oakley, Oscar, and Cole, driving all four of his friends to Value Village. The reason why was because all five of the men in the car were either 17 or turning 17 and they were going to be buying Halloween costumes.

It really shouldn't have been as weird as Kyle was making it out to be in his head. Teenagers and even adults still bought Halloween costumes for the same reason that Kyle and his friends were now, for a Halloween party, and that was completely normal. But usually, Kyle and all of his friends got their costumes using their own clothes and select items from thrift stores and they were ready, and that was exactly what Kyle had thought they would've been doing this year as well. But one conversation with Cole during lunch completely changed their plans because of an idea that seeped into Neal's mind.


Neal's eyes held complete disbelief and, despite the fact that he had food in his mouth, had his mouth hanging open.

"What did you just say?" Neal asked in a whisper, to Kyle, it seemed as if Neal believed that he had just heard Cole wrong and Cole hadn't just said that he never went to a Halloween party.

"I have never been to a Halloween party." Cole repeated, looking from Neal to Kyle with confusion. He didn't understand why Neal was so flabbergasted and why Kyle seemed to be pretty shocked himself. "I thought you heard me the first time-"

"I did hear you the first time!" Neal screeched, causing Cole to flinch and Kyle to laugh. "I just thought that I heard you wrong, because how have you never been to a Halloween party before?!"

Kyle was feeling pretty smug because he had guessed perfectly why Neal had reacted the way he had. He must have had a real talent for this type of thing. Cole was adorably worried, at least adorably in Kyle's eyes. He seemed genuinely apologetic for having not been to a Halloween party.

"I-I just haven't. I'm sorry." Cole apologized, sinking into his seat just a little bit more. Cole's apology was so cute that Kyle just had to help him.

"You don't have to apologize, Cole, Neal is just being dramatic." Kyle told Cole with a chuckle. The chuckle coming from the dramatic gasp that Neal let out when he called Neal dramatic, further proving his point. But Cole still seemed unsure so he continued on to say, "If it makes you feel better, I have never tried a cheesecake before."

Both of the guys at his table turned to Kyle with stunned expressions.

"What?!" They both blurted out at the same time. Kyle rolled his eyes.

"How have you not tried cheesecake? It is one of the most delicious things like ever!" Cole asked him with lightning-fast speed.

"Well, I'm personally not the biggest fan . . . " Neal trailed off with a shrug, now receiving Cole's laser-sharp glare. "Anyways, we need to change that fact about you Cole. Halloween is coming up in two weeks and this Friday, you and I, as well as the O' twins and Kyle," Kyle stifled a laugh at Neal's nickname for the twins. "Will go shopping for Halloween costumes."

Cole furrowed his eyebrows cutely after Neal finished his speech.

"Costumes? For what? We haven't been invited to any Halloween parties, what would we need them for?" Cole asked.

"Sure, we have." Neal replied. Getting his fork to get another bite of Mac n' Cheese. "There are always like, a billion parties that people have on Halloween, I'm sure we will start hearing about them in a week. Just you wait Cole, you will need your costume, and you will have the best time of your life at your first Halloween party."

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