Leonis, 1:1, 2:8 - Re-Invasion - Part Five Hours

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Five Hours ago...

A very exhausted Miami stood in the doorway of her small gray office and yawned. "Parker, the Paleo-Human History department has finished retrieving all of the Earth Data Storage Archives from the years just prior to and immediately after the landing of the Qyo."

"And?" the equally tired Parker inquired. He looked up at her from the military maps spread out before him on a large antique coffee table.

"You were right. The United States military as well as several other countries did store away stockpiles of weaponry in underground bunkers. They did just as you indicated."

"That's human nature...well, was human nature."

"Do you lie Parker?" Miami asked from nowhere. She took a spot on the white couch next to him.

"Huh? I wasn't expecting that." Parker said with a confused grin. Obviously, at this point he did indeed think about lying to her, and then decided against it. "I have...and depending on the circumstances, will probably do it again."

"Would you lie to me?"

"I wouldn't think there would ever be a need to."

"Why? Why not now?"

"You and your people..."

Miami produced a confused expression. "They are your people, too, Parker. The Supreme Court said as much. Your DNA is present on this world in a multitude of Convenusians, remember?"

"Sorry, you're right once again." Parker had grown accustomed to saying this to the woman. He grinned. Miami was damn sharp and outpaced his intelligence by kilometers. He knew it. "I meant, the Convenusians don't lie, everybody is out in the open with everyone else, right?"

"Yes. Regardless, I am speaking of you and me, not of them. What we have is different, because you are different."

"Right. No, I see no need to lie. Have I? Yes. But, on this world, I don't imagine when I would need to if you or no one else does. I suppose that makes sense." Parker was beginning to second-guess himself.

Miami paused as if to ponder the statement and slowly began nodding. "I see. Very well, I will accept this explanation. Nevertheless, I wonder something, Parker Raymond. According to the records from the 1990's, you were born in 1992 in the then Savannah, Georgia, yes?"

"That's correct," Parker said and laid the map down on the table with the others.

"Your Social Security Number is 999-66-7724?"

"What's with all of the questions, Miami?"

"You told me you were an only child."

"I am."

Another pause as Miami examined Parker's face. She blinked twice. "Then, it's nothing. It might be more corrupted data."

"Is there something I should know?"

Before Miami could reply a tall Convenusian male with dark hair entered the room. "Parker Raymond One, do you have a moment? We have located an extremely strange document and it is one I believe you will find of interest."

"Really now? Okay, Denver 34634, let's go." Parker looked over at Miami and then stood. He was almost relieved to be leaving. Miami and her left-field questions were concerning him. "We'll talk later, okay?"

Miami nodded.

"Let's walk and talk," Parker said patting Denver on the back of his silver lab coat. "Lay it on me."

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