Leonis, 1:2, 1:11 - Roach Hotel - Welcome To The Cucaracha Dome

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Kate found herself in New York once again, and it was empty just like the last one. However, that was where the similarities ended.  This city did not have a massive hole at its center and the sky and the sun were replaced by a massive dome lined with spotlights shining down on her from above.

            Something zipped past and startled her. Kate reached around her back to grab the energy pistol and held it at the ready. Down the dark street, two sets of glowing eyes followed her every move.

Spotting the luminous orbs, Kate shivered as she heard a terrifying electronic growl coming from the shadows and she instantly began to back away.

"Warning! Warning! Anomalous Shift In detected!" blared an electronic voice from above. The sound emanated from a large drone of an unfamiliar design. "Negexis energy weapon detected!"

            Turning in a circle, Kate suddenly found herself surrounded by even more of the humming machines, each of them shouting the same phrase at her repeatedly. "Warning! Warning! Anomalous Shift In detected! Negexis energy weapon detected!" Kate covered her ears to quiet the shrill ensemble of digital voices.

One of these diamond-shaped drones dove at Kate and stopped, hovering in the air only inches from her face. Its single-eyed camera zig-zagged over her face and body for a few seconds before the barrels of two energy guns rose from a slot on each wing.

            Kate heard the machine's weapons energizing and set her backpack and the Horologium on the ground. She stood slowly with her hands raised. "Whoa there you damn machine! I'm no threat!"

            "Identify yourself! Identify yourself!"

            "Uh, I'm Kate Summers. I was told to ask for Agents Rudolph Fentz or Reginald Gilbreth?"

            A human voice interrupted the repetitive commands from the drones. "Where are Staff Sergeant Cameron Winston and Agent Gerald Jefferson?"

            "I am sad to report that they did not make it," Kate replied officially and then heard the sound of someone exhale from the other end of the two-way radio communication.

            "How did you get this address? This was not the predetermined shift year."

            "What year is it, then? I was under the impression that this was the 1950's," Kate said.

            "I asked you where you got the shift address to jump into this multiverse at this time."

            The drone dove at Kate and she ducked. "Okay! A man named Arthur Raymond. He told me to ask for Agents Rudolph Fentz or Reginald Gilbreth. May I speak with them?"

            "I am NNO Chief Gilbreth."

            Katie lowered her arms.

            "Please keep your hands where we can see them. We are registering your neutrino aura as anomalous. What are you? You appear to be neither fully human nor Negexis. What is your home shift address?" the speaker squelched.

            "Sagittarius, 1:10, 2:26, maybe? At least that's what Jerry told me to say."


            "Erm, sorry, I meant Gerald...Agent Jefferson," Kate said and lowered her tear-filled eyes to the ground. "He was my friend and he died holding my hand. Jerry was his nickname."

"I see."

Kate exhaled a sigh of relief as she looked over and noticed the glowing eyes were gone. Then, the other drones quickly lifted skyward and disappeared, leaving only the one hovering in front of her and it summarily put its weapons away.

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