Leonis, 1:1, 2:9 - USAOL Part Two

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"Damn it!" Parker exclaimed and lightly shook his head in frustration. "More corrupted data!"

"You alright over there, Parker?" James asked, lowering the daily edition of The Netscape News with a rustle. He looked at Parker from over the top of the paper. "You don't look very pleased."

"I'm fine," Parker replied as he shut down the all-in-one internet browser on the computer screen. "You can disconnect the line. I'm finished."

"Well, that was quick."

"It was that super-fast 56K line, I suppose."

"Cool." James nodded. "Well, just so you'll have it, I wrote down your grandfather's login info. Here you go."

Parker stepped up to the counter as the librarian slid the business card toward him. He lifted the white and blue rectangle and examined it. "Interesting password."

"That's what I thought, too," James said in agreement. "Just so you know, your granddad's account is pre-paid. I'd say more like, loaded up. All you need to do is come in and tell me what kind of line you want."

"Thanks, James." Parker turned to walk away and then paused. "Hey, when are you guys getting DSL?"

James raised an eyebrow. "Getting what?"

"You know...a dedicated subscriber line or some other broadband service?"

"Broad what? Bro, you're definitely speaking in Canadian or something. I haven't the foggiest idea of what you are talking about."

Parker scratched his head and turned for the door. "Yeah, that's us Canadians alright. Talkin' all that Canadian mumbo jumbo."

"See, that's why I like you Parker, you're just as big a smartass as your crazy ol' Grandpa!" James said with a grin. He pointed an index finger at Parker. "Alright, then, go on...don't let the door hit you where the good lord split ya! I'll see you later."

"See you around, too, James," Parker said with a wave. The door dinged behind him as it closed.

According to a keyword search for 'full moon', Parker found out he still had a couple weeks left before the Full Moon. Technically, how much trouble could he potentially get into in this place? As he stepped out on the sidewalk he heard something behind him. Parker turned.

"Watch out!"

Parker's eyes widened as a rapidly growing, fear-filled face approached. A young boy wearing a backwards ball cap slammed into him, throwing both of them to the ground. The kid's wide skateboard sailed out into the road and was instantly crushed beneath the tire of a passing turquois VW Beetle.

"Aw man! C'mon, really!?!!" the boy exclaimed, ignoring Parker for the moment. He stood and strolled angrily out into the street to pick up the remains of his board. He sadly lifted the object by one of its trucks. Apparently, the only thing still holding the wood deck together was a sheet of bright green grip tape that tore as soon as the skateboard was lifted into the air.

The boy's shoulders slumped.

"You alright?" Parker asked as he stood from where he lay on the sidewalk. Parker brushed himself off and looked over at the skateboarder.

"No, not really, mister!" The boy looked back at Parker and then threw the broken board down on the ground in anger. "Guess I gotta get another, now! I hate it 'cause I liked this one, so, thanks a lot!"

Several cars had now stopped in the road and seemed to be patiently waiting for something to happen. They did not hit their horns or even rev their engines. The drivers simply sat stationary as if watching the kid's tirade; most of them wearing odd grins upon their faces.

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