Leonis, 1:1, 2:14 - Roach Hotel - Side FX

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"Wait!" Steffen shouted and smiled at the Negexis agent. He adjusted his watch and then lifted his hands into the air in surrender. "Do you have any idea how many of your kind have died by my hand?"

"No, and I do not care to know. Your death will be the same regardless of what information I have acquired." The imposter Marine tensed and moved to squeeze the trigger on his pistol, but found it was nearly impossible to move his index finger. "What have you done to me?"

Steffen stepped forward and placed his hand over the top of the pistol. He spun the weapon around in the Negexis' hand and placed the creature's thumb inside the trigger guard. "You know what, you alien scum, to be honest with you, the only flood I see coming will be made from a river of your kind's alien blood and today...well, today, yours will be the first drop in that river. It is sad really, considering the liquid's restorative properties."

Steffen rotated his injured but quickly healing shoulder; the painful, massive wound the bug created would have probably killed most men, but not Steffen. "This is going to be very wasteful. Thankfully, the beneficial effects of the injections linger for quite some time after the initial injections. Unfortunately, too much tends to make one rather cold blooded, pardon the pun, especially if the treatments persist for  too long."

"Regardless, none of what you are telling me explains my state," the Negexis agent said. "How am I unable to move?"

"With this," Steffen said and pointed at the glowing blue watch around his wrist. "And this particular device only works close range. You know, it's amazing how much we have discovered with a hospital full of test subjects to experiment on. Apparently, the moon is one hell of a neutrino supercollider and it has some amazing effects on you creatures when we energize the right kind of metal with its power."

"Your people have no idea what you are toying with."

Steffen laughed. "Ah, I see I touched a nerve. It's funny, when I start mentioning neutrinos and the moon, your kind seem to become rather, erm, energetic. Well, I suppose, since your time will be short here and there is little chance you will live to tell anyone, I'll mention something else. We're building tanks and machines ten times worse than these R.R.O.A.C.H. units and one day when you and your master are foolish enough to attempt to enter our world, we will wipe out your entire army with our technologically advanced weapons..."

"The only fool here is standing before me. You must understand, that although it is true that we number in the millions, the billions that make up the vast majority of Geniel's army are human. Your weapons are essentially useless against numbers that large."

"I am guessing your boss doesn't trust this army much, especially if these humans are what is left after you destroyed their planets and everyone they ever loved? I also bet this army is infested with Negexis spies like you and those poor humans probably don't even know it." Steffen circled the fake Marine with his hands laced behind his back. "How quickly would they turn on your master if they knew they might have a fighting chance against him and you?"

"When the Ferramortium arrives, panic will sweep your world and your armies will be decimated in mere moments..."

"Not if we make our weapons large enough and powerful enough," Steffen interrupted. "And now, with what Karen has evidently cooked up on this laptop, I will be able to pick you and your brethren from a crowd easier than I can do this..."

The pistol discharged the instant Steffen touched a finger to his watch. Turning his back on the twitching Negexis agent's body, the former NWUS soldier scanned over the laptop screen once more noting the color of each body lying about. He was amazed to discover how many of the dead politicians and other officials' bodies gave off signatures indicating that they were not from this universe. The one individual that remained alive, however, although human, was also from somewhere else.

"Well, Herr Heinrich...you murderous bastard! Apparently, you aren't from this world either. I suppose it's time to see how well you do on the receiving end of an interrogation session."


August 24th 1953, 09:18 PM

"Ready fellas?" Reggie asked from the control room.

The two men standing in the center of the circular metal grating both gave the agent a shaky thumbs up and then returned to nervously fidgeting with their Horologiums. They were both wearing a filthy collection of clothing Reggie somehow managed to coax from a couple of street bums. It was everything the man could do short of threatening the pair with a bullet to the head to make them wear the outfits.

"Don't worry, it's not the shift that'll get you, it's the side effects like nausea. That's the one thing we just can't prepare you for," Reggie said into the microphone.

"Trust me, Reggie, the smell of these rags has given me a pretty good start," Gerald said.

Reggie laughed aloud. "You also might want to lay down on that platform. The last time me and Rudy shifted into that world, we popped up in the middle of a battlefield and nearly lost our heads!"

Another voice, this one that of Ettore Majorana broke over the intercom, "Two minutes until moonrise. Staff Sergeant Cameron Winston and Agent Gerald Jefferson, are you prepared to shift?"

"We are!" the pair replied in unison.

"Very well, we shall begin."

The roof of the former converted observatory slowly squealed open as the platform began to rise.

"Bring her home to us, guys," Reggie said. "Do it for Karen."

Ettore pressed the button on the Comm. "Verify your Horologiums' addresses. Sagittarius,1:12, 2:26. This setting will take you both to 2045, the year before Rudolph and Reginald met Karen in her reality, although I cannot be sure what day or month, so, do be careful."

With a pair of fingers, Cameron tipped the brim of his dirty green Ridgeway field cap that Reggie gave him." Will do."

Gerald glanced over at Cameron and then lay down. With a shrug, Gerald followed suit.

"Shift in five, four, three, two..."

"Get up! Where did you two cowards come from?" barked a man standing over them with an assault rifle in his hands.

"Commander Steffen!?!!"

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