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"Oh look, we have matching black eyes."

I open the apartment door to see Finn dressed in his gym gear ready for our workout together. I woke up this morning to a blue ring around the top and bottom of my eye, already knowing it was bad from how much it ached last night. I almost gave Edward a heart attack when he picked me up from Finn's house last night with a tea towel-covered ice pack on my eye. I think he was ready to jump to conclusions until I told him about Issac and that it would be him in a few years when the baby is all grown up.

That shut him up instantly.

I beam. "We're twinning, Finn."

Finn's lips tip up at the edges, and he lifts his hands in the air mumbling, "Yay."

I laugh. "I'm letting you take charge of our workout today."

Finn gulps down a sip of water from the bottle in his hand. "I'm honoured. I hope you are ready to get your sweat on?"

"Always with you," I respond, understanding the second meaning to my words a moment later.

Way to go, Betty.

Finn shakes his head but says nothing.

"I'll just say bye to everyone. Wait one second," I say, heading for the guest room where Delilah lays on the bed with her mum and sister, looking at a Mamas and Papas brochure.

I stop in the doorway and smile, "I'm heading to the gym."

"Oh," Delilah lifts both arms in the air and tries to sit up, needing the help from her mum when she appears to fall back down. "Do you want to invite Finn to tea tonight? I'm going all out seeing as mum and Sabrina go tomorrow."

I bite my lip and nod. "Yeah, okay, I'll ask if he's free."

"Great stuff. Tell Finn there will be plenty of food so he best work up an appetite for it," she smirks, rubbing her hands over her knees.

I shake my head. "I'll be sure to mention it."

"Are you going to the P.T.Q gym?"

"Yeah, why?" I respond.

Delilah slides her feet up the mattress and rests her hands on her bent knees. "A friendly tip: The shower rooms are very private. No one can hear you."

"DeDe," I gasp, feeling slightly nauseous. "Please tell me that you and Ed don't do the dirty at the gym."

Delilah points at her belly. "Well, you don't get pregnant from looking at each other, do you."

"Ew, TMI, Delilah," I laugh, backing out of the room. "Don't forget that's my brother you are talking about."

"Sex is a natural thing," Delilah's mum responds, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, do you hear that, Finn?" Delilah raises her voice, and I close the bedroom door as quick as I can, hearing the three of them howling with laughter.

"Ready?" Finn says when I head back his way.

"Yes, let's go," I respond, wanting out of here before the women come back to embarrass me more.


So close.

We stop halfway through the door to see Sabrina dashing our way a piece of paper in her hand. Finn gives me a confused frown while I smile, used to her bubbly behaviour. Sabrina is a ball of fun.

She puts her hand on her chest and takes a big breath. "Can you give this to Dexter when you see him at the gym?"

I take the sheet from her hands and spot a list of different songs. "Sure. What's it for?" And, how do you know he'll be there?

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now