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*Things are about to get steamy. 17+ recommended.*


I wander along the hotel corridor, reading every number on the doors until I reach 167. My knuckles wrap on the wood a few times, and I step back, pulling up my bag strap to rest on my shoulder. Footsteps echo along the floorboards before I hear Finn shout my name. I smile when he seems to struggle with the lock, squealing when the door swings open and Finn lifts me into his arms.

"You're here," he laughs, pressing his lips against mine a few times, spinning us around.

I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder, dragging his body with me when he lays me on the bed, our legs pressing together over the edge. Our lips fused together, swiping back and forth for ages before we pull back to catch our breath.

Finn uses his palms to smooth back my hair. "You weren't wrong when you said you could do better. When did you get here?"

I lift my neck up to rub our noses together. "I landed an hour ago. Düsseldorf is incredibly beautiful."

Finn presses single kisses all over my face. "I'll show you around tomorrow. How long are you planning on staying?"

I reply. "All weekend if you'll have me?"

"You bet," he laughs once more, and it's like music to my ears. I don't think I've ever seen him this happy. "My night just got a hell of a lot better."

"Because of me?" I reply, not able to curb my smile. "Tell me more."

Finn buries his nose underneath my skin and prickles my senses with his warm breath. "Hmm, I want slow sex."

I attempt to push on his shoulder, but he's not moving. My body sinks deeper into the mattress when he lays on me, his fingers wrapping around the back of my knees to pull them apart. "I got here a few minutes ago, and you already want sex?"

Finn pushes my knickers to the side and starts rubbing my sensitive nerves. "Where are my manners? Hello, gorgeous. How was your flight?"

My chest spasms with a moan. "Good," I thrust my hips up, so I'm closer to his skilled fingers. "Worth it now I'm here with you. Is it a nice surprise?"

Finn edges forward to press his mouth against mine. Our lips slide and pull together, the pleasure building between my thighs. "Why do you even have to ask? You here is all I need."

The sincerity in his voice has my eyes opening and gazing at his handsome face, my fingers reaching out to graze against the few days old stubble on his jaw. "I never thought we'd get to this point. I dreamed we would, gosh, I dreamed so hard, but I never in my wildest dreams imagined that a guy like you would want me."

"God, I adore you," he says, his voice a deep growl and I try to contain a gasp when he sinks his finger lower, heading for my entrance. "And, you're always so ready for me. You want it, baby? My sweet little Betty wants her man to give it to her here on the hotel bed with thin walls?"

"Yes. Yes, I want all of it," I respond.

The sounds of jeans ruffling come next and then the score of the zipper. I lift up my bottom and pull my soft, stretchy, cotton dress over my head, throwing it onto the floor before pulling off my bralette too. Finn steps out of his jeans, making it obvious that he was going commando when he stands up straighter, giving me a full view of his manhood.

I wiggle my toes when he undoes the laces on my Converse shoes, falling back onto the mattress with a heavy sigh when he removes my socks, kissing each toe with a dangerous look in his eye.

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now