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Another week passes, and I'm stewing in misery and anger. It's come to my attention that Finn hasn't been all that honest with me. I'm not the only woman in his life, and there's a reason he wanted to keep our sexual agreement a secret - another woman.

When I called last week to check in - even though I knew he wouldn't pick up - a woman answered the phone, telling me that he was too busy to speak to me. I asked about his father and got a vague response, questioning if I was the other one. At first, I wasn't sure what she meant so I asked her to repeat herself to which she explained that her name was Emma Miller and that they were together before I came on the scene, and in between Finn sleeping with me.

The moment I hung up, I felt sick to my stomach. I can't describe the dirtiness that came over me. It was similar to when I went to the sexual health clinic after Trevor cheated on me and they asked how many sexual partners I had and if I regularly used condoms. I was that idiot girl who gave in under pressure to let her man go in bare because it feels better for him.

Lesson number one: Never do that unless you trust him completely.

Lesson number two: It's your right to say NO!

I can't believe how stupid I've been once more in trusting a man. Well, that's it now. I'm never giving my heart to anyone again. It's too painful when they end up letting me down.

Is there something wrong with me?

Maybe that's the problem.

I'm not proud to admit that I google searched the hell out of Emma Miller, finding all I needed to back up my insecurities. There are pictures of her in Finn's house, with his parents, Issac playing in Finn's garden and the latest one is a selfie of Finn curled up asleep in the hospital chair with the caption, 'Hate Seeing The Best Man I Know Sad' with a crying face emoji.

Finn Moretti, you had me fooled.

And he said he'd protect me? Yeah, right.

Laine sits on the bed next to me and rubs my back while I face away, feeling really quite shit about myself. "Are you sure you don't mind me leaving you to go to Pilates again?" she says.

I turn over wincing when my head pulses against my skull. "You know I don't. George is napping anyway."

"I think he'll be out for a few hours yet so you can sleep with him, he'll let you know when he's ready to get up."

I nod. "Go and have fun."

Laine fidgets on the spot, seeming like she has more to say. "I hope that I didn't offend you the other day when I asked if you and Finn were an item. It's none of my business."

And now my stomach is swirling at his name. Arsehole. "Things aren't always what they seem. I dodged a bullet."

"What do you mean? Do you need to talk? I can stay," she replies, a worry line forming between her perfectly plucked eyebrows.

"You go. We'll talk later."

Right now, I just want to close my eyes and forget about life. And men.

"Okay, I won't be long. I'll bring sushi and salad in for us. You want anything in particular?"

"Anything veggie. I can't stomach the fish ones."

"You got it," she escapes out of the room, shouting her goodbyes, knocking on the door five minutes later.

I roll my eyes, climbing off the bed. "You forgot your key card again? I'm going to have to glue it to your hand Laine the Pain-" my mouth goes dry, "Trevor?"

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now