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I sit in the waiting Über reminiscing over the past three days with a firm frown. Finn sits up front, keeping his gaze anywhere but me, choosing his phone to occupy his time, chatting idly to the driver about the best places to eat lunch. In the penthouse, he keeps himself locked away in his room, speaking on his phone to someone called Sandy. I only know this because I've heard him mention her name a few times when passing.

I don't like the feelings it brings knowing he's locked up in there on the phone to a woman. It throws me right back to the betrayal of Trevor and Laine, somehow feeling worse this time around. The logical part of my brain tells me to calm down. It could be a friend or family member even. And we aren't exclusive. Finn is well within his rights to see other people.

Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt a little.

I thought we were getting along. For the first time in a long while, I felt happy and confident for the future. Now? Not so much. I'm over analysing everything he does, whether that be the way he walks or the sighs he keeps letting out. It's driving me crazy and I know I'll have to speak to him sometime, but I'm scared of the outcome.

"Is sushi okay, Betty?" Finn says, voice not to be messed with right now.

"I'm not hungry."

Finn spins around and runs his eyes all over me. "But, you've hardly eaten since yesterday."

When I'm sad, I don't get hungry.

"I said I'm not hungry," I snap, flexing my hand into a fist. "Get yourself something, but I'm good."

Finn's eyes narrow into two tiny slots, and then he mutters, "Whatever."

My teeth dig into my bottom lip, as I fight to keep the tears at bay. I'm a crier, anyway, it doesn't take much to set me off, but these tears feel necessary. When you get your hopes up about something, it's hard when they don't come true.

I need to learn my lesson and stop being so trusting of everyone.

It's a flaw.

You said to yourself a million times that you wouldn't ever let a man make you feel this way again!

"Don't look at me like that," I say out of nowhere, shocking myself.

Finn's expression softens into a confused one. "Like what?"

I reply. "Like you hate my guts."

The middle of his cheeks sallow, as they drop a few inches. "I didn't realise I was looking at you that way."

"Are you serious?" I laugh, "It's been your permanent expression for days. In fact, this is the longest conversation we've had since arriving in L.A."

"I've had stuff going on," he responds, his expression wary as he watches me.

I gathered as much, doesn't mean he has to be a dickhead. "Does it have to do with me? Is it the cyber stalking?"

An evil glint pours into his gaze. "No, but I'm trying to chase up on it. The police said that they've handed it over to the Cyber Crime Unit, but it's not good enough. They aren't treating it as urgent."

I shake my head. "Maybe, I need to come off line for a bit."

"Why should you have to do that, though? Then the scumbags win."

"It's a little more serious than letting someone behind a screen win. I may be being stalked in real life too. I didn't sign up for this," I reply.

A part of me wonders if the threats are something I'm going to have to grow used to now I'm in the spotlight. You hear of celebrities speaking out about stalking all the time like it's part of the parcel of fame. Celebrity. I can't believe I just referred to myself as one.

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now