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"Mind your step when you come upstairs."

Bailey leads me through the bottom floor of Green Earth Kitchen where plastic sheets and dust coat the floor, showing signs of the revamp. It's a few weeks until the deli reopens and it looks like there is still so much to be finished off. The back kitchen is now at the side of the shop just near where all the sit in diners can eat, giving better access to the fitness studio upstairs.

"I can't believe the difference in the place. It's amazing," I say, seeing the large room with mirrors on every wall.

Bailey sips on her smoothie as she points towards the end of the room. "The spin bikes are going there and then we are putting the weight racks on the wall near the door."

"Are you going to charge membership?"

"No, I don't have plans to contract people in just yet. But, I am going to give the chance for people to bundle buy the different classes for a discounted price," she nods her head.

I smile in awe of the business woman she is today. One year on and she's on her way to an empire. "How's the staff hunting going? Found anyone decent yet?"

"Don't ask," she takes a big slurp from her drink. "People are already demanding hours and holidays off before even getting the job. Luckily between Emily and Fran they can run the second shop with the part-timers while this store is closed. But, I need to get my bum into gear if I'm opening in a matter of days."

"Finding good staff is hard," I respond.

"Harder than hard," she laughs, resting on her bent leg. "Anywho, enough about me. How's life treating you? Glad to be back?"

I shrug. "Life's good with work. I'm very fortunate to get the support I do. It's crazy how quick things are rolling. It's nice to be back to see everyone and have a bit of chill time before going back to the fun and games."

"Noah and I have had your album on repeat by the way. Every time we play it  Noah looks at me and goes 'That's My Baby Sister!'. It's very sweet how proud he is of you."

Out of all my brothers, Noah is the most sensitive, always being the one to cuddle you when you are down or spend hours talking about the worries on your mind. It's just the way he's made and it's something I wish will never go away from him.

"I'm so glad you like it," I respond, feeling my shoulders grow taller. "Any plans for your honeymoon yet?"

Noah said that they both wanted to wait for me to go back to LA before booking a honeymoon. It's lovely to have the time to spend with them, and I wouldn't say it to their faces, but I'm grateful for them postponing.

"We found an amazing place called Los Cabos in Mexico. It's a package deal with the villa, excursions and first class flights all in one."

"Now that sounds magical," I close my hands together and hold them against my chest. "So you get your own villa?"

Bailey nods. "It's on a luxury complex with a hotel too. We will get a private pool that joins on to the exclusive bar with unlimited drinks so I'll have to pace myself."

We all know how Bailey is when she's had one too many drinks.

I smile. "It's your honeymoon which means you are allowed to let your hair down."

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now