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It's impossible for me to get into the zone.

I'm too away with my thoughts for posing and smiling at the camera, even when the photographer, Julius, pulls funny faces my way and gushes over the outfits the on-set stylist dressed me in. My eyes keep travelling across the room to Finn who refuses to move until I tell him what the hell is eating me up. I ignored his insistent knocks on the door this morning and his offer of breakfast on the way to the studio, feeling guilty when his mood dropped at the news of Laine taking me out for acai bowls after he asked me out.

I need to confront him, but something is holding me back. The truth is going to be hard to swallow, and we all know why that is. I've fallen for him. Utterly and wholly. How can I not when he's shown me such kindness?

I don't have it in me to fight against another woman for the reason of knowing I'll lose.

"You," Julius shouts across the room, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Gorgeous man, over there. Come here."

I snap my neck up to see Finn pointing at his chest in confusion.

"What, me?" he says.

"Yes, you. Here now. You will be perfect for my next shoot. You have a familiar face. Do I know you from somewhere?"

Finn lowers his head and mumbles something that neither of us can hear.

"Repeat yourself," Julius replies.

Finn looks like a child caught with its hand in the cookie jar. "I said no you wouldn't know me."

My heart squeezes at the sadness in his eyes. It's like he's given up on everything.

"Well, I want you in the shot now. You'll look perfect next to Betty," he holds his hand up to the stylist that runs over. "Leave him like he is. I love the look."

"I literally got out of bed and threw on what I could find. Are you sure?"

"If that is the way you look in the morning I am jealous. It's fine. Get in the shot. I want you to come from behind and wrap your arms around her waist, looking down on her like she is your everything."

Finn gets into position and whispers, "That'll be easy."

I close my eyes and try not to stiffen up when his skin touches mine. "I'm not an idiot, Finn."

"I know you aren't," he says, tugging me to his stomach. "Why are you acting like this?"

The camera goes off twice and then I position myself, getting into character by staring off into the distance like Finn's gaze isn't burning holes in my skin. Julius gushes about our natural chemistry, and I know he's kiss-arsing to get Finn to stay longer in the lens.

"Betty, I'd like to know what I've done so I can make it right. What happened this morning? I can't help but feel I hurt you. Please, baby, it's driving me insane with guilt."

I turn around so my shoulder sits on his chest and my arm wraps around his waist, my other arm reaching up to cup his face. "I know about you and Emma having sex."

It takes his cheeks exactly two seconds to drop to the floor, his eyes blinking as they adjust on my face. Yeah, that's what I thought. 'I've been caught out', his expression screams. I wait, willing for him to deny it. But, he never does. The eyes are the window to your soul, and his reveal nothing but guilt.

I pull away from him, slapping his hands away, and turn to Julius. "Are we almost done here?"

Julius nods with an easy smile. "Yes, cara, one more picture with the gorgeous man?"

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now