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The weekend flies by and before I know it, I'm saying goodbye to Finn at the airport, clinging onto his denim jacket in tears. One more week, he promises me, but it feels like an eternity. He cradles my face in his hands and kisses my lips like it's the last time we'll ever see each other. It doesn't help my stream of tears, and when I see Monty and Adele approaching, they fall harder.

"Oh, sweetie," Adele says, her German accent soothing. "You'll miss him, huh?"

I nod, wiping my nose in an ugly fashion. "So much. I'm sorry," I keep rubbing at my face. "I'm making such a show of myself."

"Not at all," she reaches out to squeeze my elbow.

Finn cups my jaw and tilts my face, so I get a good look at him. It doesn't help my state when I see tears in his eyes too. "We'll speak every day and Skype at bedtime. That way we can fall to sleep beside each other."

It's not enough. But, I don't tell Finn so. Not wanting him to use it as an excuse to follow me back to England.

"A week will fly by," I say, leaning into his touch when he wipes away my tears. "And then I'll have you here with me again."

Finn leans in and presses his lips against mine with his eyes closed tight. I breathe in his minty breath when he pulls apart a fraction, feeling the love in his gaze. "When I get back I want you to start staying at my house more often. Even if it's just on the weekends. And then we'll build up from there."

I smile. "Okay, that sounds wonderful. I'd love to share your home with you."

"Good," he frowns as he pulls me close, my nose landing in the middle of his neck. "You'll have to go now, or you'll be too late to board your flight. I'll wait until you get past security."

I grip his t-shirt in my hands. "I don't want to go."

"Go on, baby. What if Delilah goes into labour? You don't want to miss it."

I know he's right. There is only a matter of weeks now until baby Larsson arrives, and Delilah's mum said she gave birth four weeks early. So anything is possible right now.

I stand on my tip toes and kiss under his jaw. "I'm going to go before this gets painful. I love you."

Finn smiles. "I love you too. Safe flight. Call me when you get back home."

I give Adele a quick hug and squeeze Monty's hand as his badass vibe rubs me up the wrong way. Then wrap my arms around Finn's waist, squeezing the life out of him before picking up my hand luggage and heading for the security, blowing Finn a big kiss as I disappear out of view.

Two days later, I'm on the sofa, stuffing my face with barbecue pop chips when the intercom rings out. I stay where I am, not wanting to move, but then think better of it as Edward's waiting on a FedEx delivery.

I press the button. "Hello?"

"Yes, hello, Miss Larsson, I have Shawn here, and he wants to come up to the apartment. Is that all right with you?"

I wonder what he wants when I say, "Sure. Send him up, Ryan."

The line goes dead, and I walk across the room to open the door, leaving it ajar for him, so he doesn't have to knock. I get rid of my crisp packets and duvet from the sofa, knowing it looks like a bomb's just hit the place.

Finn would be beside himself.

"Betty?" Shawn's voice calls through, and I turn to see him hovering near the door.

I wave my hand. "Come in, Shawn. How's it going?"

My friend looks jittery as he takes a few steps, closing the door behind him. "I'm okay. Stressed out."

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now