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So he left you there without organising another security guard? Is the text I wake up to this morning

Edward isn't impressed by Finn's disappearing act, but it isn't as if Finn had much choice. I'm still in the dark about his father's condition, having not received a message back yet.

No news is good news - I hope.

Yes, but he had no choice. XO has organised another guard to take Finn's place. I text back.

Edward's response is quick, which tells me he's skiving at work. I guess there's a first for everything. I hired Finn to protect you.

You are unreasonable! The poor guy's dad's in the hospital fighting for his life.

Oh. Comes Edward's single reply then, Delilah just threw her blueberry muffin at my head for acting like a prick - her words. =D

I snort out loud. You deserve it. Say hi from me. How's the bump doing?

Good. Cooking at almost thirty weeks now. Delilah says Skype her tonight.

Will do, I reply, turning over to get a good lungful of the scent coming off the pillows Finn used. I've moved into his old bedroom so Laine and George can have their own space. I swear there's a faint blur of Spicebomb aftershave in the air and it drives me wild.

I lay in this position for a while until my phone buzzes in my hand with another message from my brother. Do you reckon the baby will look like me or D? We're putting on bets with each other.

I laugh. You, because you control every bloody thing.

I wait for it, knowing he's sulking right now. Ha Ha. Who's my sister again?


Just a heads up. Bailey and Noah got some bad news yesterday. Edward messages and I want to scream at his cliffhanger texts.

I sit up in bed, sliding my feet around so I can cross my legs. What is it? They only just got back from honeymoon right?

Yeah. Bailey's cysts have come back on her ovaries. Apparently, they've been trying for a baby for almost a year now, and nothing is happening. The doctors aren't sure whether it's Endometriosis.

I bite on my thumb nail, not able to imagine how that feels for Bailey. All she needs is for one to burst again.

So they wanted a baby before the wedding?

I get an instant reply, Looks that way. Delilah says scans show cysts in her Fallopian tubes as well? I don't know if I spelt that right.

You did. That's not good. I'll call them tonight. I won't tell them I already know.

I'm up and showered, munching on a round of toast before I get the next message. They'd like that I think. Poor Bailey was sobbing last night. Makes me feel like shit that we didn't plan for our boy, yet we got lucky.

I open my arms for Laine to plonk George on my lap so she can grab a quick shower, fighting with his baby hands when he rubs his fingers on the phone screen. You can drive yourself mad with thoughts like that. Everything happens for a reason. Can the doctors do anything?

Surgery. If they catch it early enough, they can prevent it from getting worse, but the damage is already done. The doctor seems optimistic that she will have a better chance of getting pregnant after the operation.

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now