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I skirt around Laine the next morning, terrified that she heard Finn and I at it last night. In the heat of the moment, I didn't care who could hear, too concentrated on Finn and the way he made me feel. But, now, in the light of day, I'm utterly mortified.

"Did you sleep okay last night? Is your chest still hurting?" she says, cutting the silence.

I stare wide eyed at my porridge bowl. "Finn and I had sex," I blurt and then cover my mouth straight after, feeling no more relaxed for telling the truth.

Laine snorts out the orange juice in her mouth, coughing right after. "Christ, Betty, I wasn't going to say anything."

My cheeks are on fire. "Well, I don't know. I feel nervous, and I thought it would be best just to get it out there. Now I'm mortified."

"I didn't hear anything," she blurts, desperately trying not to laugh.

My heart booms right out of my chest. "We all know that means you did. I'm so sorry, Laine. We thought no one was in here."

I'll never live this down.

"Are you joking? Why are you apologising? I didn't hear much," she bites down on her bottom lip, "only Finn mainly. Honestly, the way he shouted your name, it wouldn't surprise me if the whole of California heard."

I hang my head. "Kill me now." Maybe, I could dye my hair and change my name.

Laine mops up the orange juice she spilt on the table. "Oh, quit it. Worst things have happened to us. Do you remember the time Levi walked in on me getting out of the shower or when Dexter's friend found our tampons in the bathroom drawers and decided to ask about them? Now, that's embarrassing."

I'd rather forget it all. "Yeah, they weren't the best times. I think this trumps them all."

Laine goes to the fridge to get out some more orange juice to refresh her glass. "It's nothing. For all I know he was having a nightmare. Let's move past it. So, you two are a thing now?"

I lower my head. "I don't know."

"Oh," she lifts her eyebrows while drinking her juice. "so, you've not talked about it?"

I pull up a chair at the breakfast bar, stirring my spoon around my oats. "We said I love you."

Laine squirts orange juice out of her mouth a second time. "God damn, Bumble Bee. Warn a girl, will you?"

I giggle, passing over the tea towel near my hand. "I'm full of surprises today, huh?"

There's noise coming from the hallway which means Finn is surfacing from the bedroom. I turn and smile when he approaches me, his pyjama bottoms so low slung that the trail of hair near his crotch is showing.

"Morning, curly," he smiles, his eyes all soft and dough-like. "You sleep good, honey?"

I suddenly turn all bashful when he smooths his hand behind my neck. I smile. "Yes, did you?"

"Like a baby," he replies, eyes never leaving mine. I don't think he's even noticed Laine standing right by us.

"Good," I smile, wrapping my fingers around his wrist. "You want some porridge too? I'll make you some with cinnamon and orange. It's a recipe Bailey taught me last year, and it's totally yummy."

Am I rambling? Yeah, maybe just a little.

Finn nods. "I'd love some porridge. Am I okay to jump in the shower?"

I get up and take my bowl with me, feeling too full to finish all the oats. "Sure, it'll be ready for when you get out."

I squeal when he taps my bum and turn to see him running out of here with his head tipped back and chest moving up and down with laughter. Laine moves out of the way for me to get the ingredients out, taking my seat with her half a glass of orange juice.

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now