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Act normal. No sweat. You got this. It's only Finn's bed, in which he sleeps at night - probably naked - where he is kindly letting me sleep tonight because his guest bedroom is a makeshift at home gym. I pull the t-shirt he leant me over my head and move from foot to foot. Finn is brushing his teeth in the ensuite bathroom, creating a bubble beard around his lips.

"Why won't you tell me the reason you want me to stay the night?"

Finn spits into the sink. "Can't friend's have a sleepover?"

I roll my eyes. "Finn, come on. Be serious.I'm freaking out big time over here."

The water runs for a few seconds so he can swill his mouth out, and then he tugs the towel from rail to dry off. "I'm worried that If I do tell you, then you'll be even more freaked out."

One thousand thoughts flood my mind, involving me lying unconscious on the floor or worse. There's no hiding Finn's worry - I saw the panic in his expression when he answered the call.

"Now I need to know. Tell me," I say.

"It's come to my attention that you may be a victim of stalking."

I think I'm in shock. I can't feel my legs, and my heart is pounding up my throat.

"What makes you think that, Finn? It's a pretty huge assumption to throw around."

"I know," he steps out of the bathroom, switches out the light and leads me towards the massive bed. "You have been getting online threats for a while now, and the care packages you received were weird as fuck. Who sends a used condom in fan mail? And then, it's come to my attention that someone was waiting outside here tonight for several hours."

Only Finn knows about the disturbing package I got sent over when I was in America, having been far too embarrassed and freaked out to share the news with anyone.

My family would burst a blood vessel if they found out.

I'm glad I'm sitting down because I have a feeling I'd be on the floor if I weren't. "I'm scared."

Finn wraps his arm around my back. "Don't be scared. This is what I'm here for. I'll protect you."

I rub my temples. "We should call the police."

"I'll take care of everything. You have no need to worry."

I cover my trembling mouth and repeat: "I'm scared."

It's something I'm going to struggle to describe. I feel as if my soul just left my body.

"I get why you are scared. You're safe here with me. No one is getting in this place. It's bolted and alarmed within an inch of its life," he says, but I can't seem to relax.

"You'll be close tonight right?"

"I'll be on the sofa, so I'm close to the door," he smiles, moving towards the wardrobe to bring out a pillow and blanket.

I swallow. "It's that serious? Do you think whoever it is will break in the house?"

Finn puts the pillow under his arm and gives me a reassuring smile. "I'm more than likely overreacting. We'll wait until morning before making any decisions about who to involve and if this really is a stalker. The best thing for you right now is sleep."

"I won't be able to sleep knowing there's someone outside. What if they are standing near the window?" I whimper, scaring myself stiff, "Finn."

Finn hovers near the door. "I wish I never told you."

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now