Pssst...Guess who's next to fall in love?

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Who's ready for the next Larsson Love story?




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Levi Larsson is keeping a secret from his family.

The late nights and early mornings aren't spent with some girl. No. He's trying his best to give back to the community. Working at the local homeless shelter, he only expected to feel happiness at bringing light to the people who needed it most. What he didn't expect to happen was in doing his good will, he ended up finding who he really wanted to be in life.

Living in your brother's shadows isn't easy.

Levi wants people to notice him, feeling trapped in his silver spoon lifestyle.

And, the other thing keeping him there?

Tilly McQueen.

No stranger to the hard life, Tilly has climbed her way through many curveballs, coming out the end a stronger person. At seventeen she found herself homeless, alone and in danger of a breakdown.

Nowhere to go, she slept rough, giving into the temptations of sin to make the pain go away.



Pure agony.

She saw no light at the end of the tunnel. Until, a six foot, blonde, bearded giant crashed his way into her life, stealing her heart.

Tilly's good at keeping secrets too. Big bad ones that could destroy everything her and Levi share.



So, Levi's story is next!

It's going to be one hell of a rollercoaster, and there is going to be triggering subjects.

I'm beyond excited to write this book, and I hope you're just as to read it.

I'm going to be publishing Love Rush tonight, so please add it to your libraries so you don't miss the updates.

Thank you so much for the support!

MWAH! 😘😘

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now