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I pace the pathway a few times before working up the courage to knock on Finn's door. I overreacted, and I'm incredibly embarrassed by it. After getting back to the coffee shop, I soon realised what I'd done, and shame came over me like a tidal wave. Finn's job as a bodyguard is to protect me, and I need to remember that instead of letting my emotions run away with me.

It feels so good to finally have a little piece of mind. The more I'm around Finn, the less pressure I feel to move on from Trevor as all the bad feelings seem to melt away.

The door opens, and I spin around to see Finn dressed smart in a pair of jeans and a button down shirt. I feel my heart pounding out of my chest as I wonder if I caught him at a wrong time.

Did he already have plans when I asked him to the party?

"Betty?" he says, seeming confused.

I lift my hand in an awkward gesture. "Hey, Finn. I hope it's not a bad time?"

"No, not a bad time at all. I was actually just heading over to your apartment," he responds, lifting up the bottle of vodka in his hand.

I smile. "You decided to come?"

"Yeah, I, er," he looks away from my face as if to try to get a hold of his words. "I wanted to apologise to you. I'm a dick, Betty."

"And, I'm a drama queen," I whisper, feeling my eyes mist over with tears.

At times it seems like I'm so emotionally scarred that I struggle to rationalise anything.

"No way," he reaches out for my arm and tugs me in, so I'm flat against his chest.

I laugh. "I think we were both too caught up in our emotions. Re-do?"

Finn pulls back a fraction to stare down at me. "Re-do for what exactly?"

I fall back into his embrace. "I don't need any drama right now. I find it hard to trust people, and I'd rather just focus on what's good in my life. I swore to myself that I'd never let another man inside my heart. It's too painful when things go wrong."

Finn gently strokes his fingers up and down my back. "What happened to you? I never did find out."

"It's not important right now. I need to learn to get over it."

"Fair enough. You want to get drunk?"

I wouldn't say no. "Sure."

Finn gently removes himself from my hold and then walks back into his house, motioning for me to follow. I do, closing the door behind us and then walk through his house until we reach the sitting room. Finn tells me to get comfortable while he fetches the shot glasses from the kitchen.

A moment later he appears with a big bag of crisps under his arm and two tiny glasses in the shape of a woman's boob. I can't help but giggle at them which pulls a wicked smile from my drinking partner.

"I bought these on a lads holiday in Malaga," he says, unscrewing the cap from the bottle of vodka.

I sit forward in my seat. "Why doesn't that surprise me."

"I was your typical Jack the lad growing up. I'll make no excuses," he shows off his teeth in a smile that makes my knees weak.

The guy is pure sex on legs.

Finn passes me the shot glass and my palm rubs against the nipple, pulling an embarrassed giggle from my lips. "Cheers," he says.

I clink our glasses together and say, "Proost!"

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now