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Eliana got quite her rest for the past few days. So much so, that she walked around her job in a new peace of mind. Randolph continued to take most of her time and ever since Bradley had begun physiotherapy in a new department, he was no longer up to her cares.

"Morning, El." Sienna smiled through her words, greeting the young nurse.

"Morning." She sang.

"I see you're doing well. I am as well, thank you for asking."

Elianna chuckled before grabbing the file from the counter.

"Good to know."

Apart from her much-needed rest, it was an accomplishment having her patients improving in such speed. Helping others was a big part of why she decided to pursue this career and whenever there was a good day for her patients, it was a good for her.

As she checked her files folder, she noticed Randolph's name, alongside some minor tasks she'd been assigned to.

Occasionally, Eliana would hear some news on tv during her meal break, or run into the piles of newspapers that her favourite patient very much liked to read, and both often mentioned Beal's outstanding recovery and soon return to the arena.

Not so sure about when he was bound to leave the hospital permanently, she was nevertheless happy to have witnessed such thing first hand. His visits were not current, he had been dismissed to his home about a week ago and therefore, his face was not as present in these corridors.

As of now, it did not occupy much of her mind, since she was bound to start yet another long shift.

"Hello, hello." She smiled at those who she came across in the hospital corridors.

Once she reached room number 532, she could hear some voices that seemed louder than just some white noise. Carefully knocking on the door, Eliana dared to enter even before receiving permission to do so.

"Good evening Mr. Randolph and- Bradley, hello."

Her outstanding joy was substituted by a shy yet confused expression. Bradley's presence wasn't strange to her, and she knew how much of a companionship Randolph and himself had created over the weeks, where he'd often come one level down to watch Wizards' games, discuss sports topics and speak about their own personal lives.

Both men stopped talking and turned around to face her.

"Good evening, miss Eliana."

"Hello." Bradley greeted.

"I didn't know I would have an extra patient today." The nurse ran through her files, before giggling. The young man smiled at her playful tone, before preparing to leave.

"I also didn't mean to intrude, I just wanted to pass by and discuss minor things with Mr. Randolph, here."

"At least he knows how to discuss sports." The older man added.

"A different opinion does not imply it is wrong."

"Defending those who don't even attend the playoffs must mean something."

Bradley chuckled as he watched the young nurse and the elder patient lovingly argue as if they were family of the same blood.

To each their own, he thought.

"Enjoy your discussions with Bradley while you can, because once you take your medication, you won't be able to waste as much energy talking as you waste bashing me."

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