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The improvement in Bradley's knee had been noticeable and although he was still checked upon every now and then, he was getting gradually ready to get back on the field. He was being integrated into the team's training again and it felt rewarding after some long two months.

Whenever he wasn't spending his time in practice, he would often spend it at the hospital. He had been the face of a lot of charity events and acts lately and had even got the Wizards' help with bringing autographed jerseys and material for the kids.

He had convinced John to join him to which he was nevertheless happy to participate. Not only could he help the hospital that had once helped him, but he could also see the nurse he had so much enjoyed the company of, more often.

"Brad- Bro. Bradley?" a slap in the back of his head woke Bradley up from his thoughts. "Are you here here?"

John had noticed his friend's mind absence for quite a while now, while he played hoops with the kids in the outside backyard.

"I was just thinking." Bradley replied whilst dribbling and passing it to one of the children.

"Of?" his friend was about to open his mouth, just as he stopped him. "don't answer, I already know."

He nodded towards the inside of the tall glass windows and Bradley's head followed, as both men looked towards the known young female walking through the walls as she pushed a wheelchair around. It seemed as though they caught her attention, because she soon noticed both staring and smiled their way.

"Don't stare." Bradley hit his friend in the chest.

"I won't, but you're about to."

John took the ball out of his hand and started messing with the kids that followed him to try and steal it from him.

"Brad!" the familiar voice caught his attention and he turned to see her petite manicure hand lifted.

"Eliana, hi!"

"I see you're having fun here." She looked around at the kids as she waved towards who he believed was John before looking back towards him. "The kids look so happy, I can't thank you enough."

"You don't need to, it's the least I can do."

"This may seem like it's not a big deal, but they couldn't stop talking about it and won't be able to, after this."

"Look at them, they're basically pros." Bradley smiled as he watched Eliana's genuine laugh and never was he this proud to make someone laugh.

"I don't have much time, but I wanted to come by and thank you for dinner the other night." Eliana smiled before she heard a colleague call her from inside and started walking backwards still facing him. "Next time's my treat?"

"Seems fair." He shrugged.

"Perfect! I owe you one." She smiled and eventually left the outside backyard.

An arm wrapped around his shoulder and Bradley look towards his friend cheeky smile displayed in his face.

"Now I see why that recovery took so long."

- ⋆ -

After some good hour and a half of playing basketball with the children and some teens outside the hospital, they had to leave them to go back to their unities and get taken care of, promising it wouldn't be their last time there.

Both athletes were on their way to the elevator that lead them to the parking lot as Bradley spotted Eliana walking by the same group of kids that had said their goodbyes previously and he excused himself to John that was left shrugging.

"Bradley." Eliana announced, surprised that he was still there.

"I know of a way you can make it up to me."

"Is that so?" she crossed her arms waiting for his answer.

"How much longer do you have until your shift ends?"

The young female looked down at the watch in her wrist and thought for a few seconds. "Pretty soon, about ten minutes and I'm done. Why is that?"

"I thought we could grab coffee?"

"Sure. If you're willing to wait for me."

"I can say I've waited longer."

Both shared a smile and agreed to the last details and he walked back to John who simply shook his head at the sight of his friend.

- ⋆ -

"You don't even drink coffee, do you?"

"I don't, keeps me up all night. How do you know?"

"I guessed because of sports."

"Yes, that." He laughed.

It was so easy to forget about his professional life when he was with her. He didn't feel the need to talk about his latest stats or latest acquisition to impress her and he valued that.

Eliana was left to choose the place they attended, and she decided on the same small coffee-shop she went to before her shift each day. It was located in a hidden area so not many people knew about it and it was the perfect calm place where no one was bothered.

She often went there to take care of some theory paper stuff and therefore she was a household name by now.

On Bradley's side, he was appreciative that she would take him to somewhere this simple without the intention to pick something better to impress him, as would other females he had dated in the past. He wanted to reach to his humble self and she managed to do it.

"Something really curious happened the other day." Eliana remembered.

"Really?" he took a sip of his tea, observing her expression.

"Yes. I was visiting my grandmother the other day-"

"The nurse grandmother?"

"You remember." She shared a warm smile. "That same one, Grandmother Pamela. She was going through some old albums and even showed me portraits for back when she was a nurse and she used to nurse for the army."

He nodded as words flew out of her mouth, all so attentively.

"I eventually mentioned you and dinner." She admitted a little shyly.

"No pressure for me." He lifted both hands up and the pair laughed.

"Don't worry, she thought you were a gentleman. The funny part was she recognized your last name instantly. Says she's met a Beal before. Also in the army, which is strange because I do remember you mentioning he was in the army." She spoke all in one sentence before slowing her speech down. "And at first I thought it was just a coincidence, but... where did you tell me your family was from?"

"Originally Missouri."

"Missouri, exactly." Eliana paused.

"Did she mention his name?"

"Bruce. Bruce Beal."

- ⋆ -

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