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The previous night had been long for Eliana, so much so that waking up fo work the next day felt like a sacrifice. Sienna, on the other hand, had been wise to trade her shift for the night, so she could sleep in. But Eliana never planned for that night to happen, let alone have it last how long it did.

Lucky for her, her grandmother's homemade recipes helped her all throughout a large part of the day and it had been quite a calm day at the hospital.

She was done assigning Mr. Randolph his medicine, as the phone rang. Both exchanged a weird look, before she walked up the phone. That phone usually carried bad news, and she was hoping it wasn't the case.

Eliana had about 15 minutes 'till her shift was done, and she was hoping these would be definitive.

"Eliana on the line, who's this?"

"I know, El. This is Peter in reception. You may want to come down here, you have a visitor."

"A visitor?"

It was Friday evening and she rarely received any guests, let alone in her workplace.

"I don't want to spoil it."

"Is it urgent? Can you ask to wait 15 min-"

"I wouldn't want to make the visitor wait." Spoke Peter in all his cheekiness.

The young female hung up and sighed, before turning to Mr. Randolph. Neither of them shared a word, and with a simple nod, Eliana knew she had been excused to check on whatever her duties were.

She didn't say her goodbyes, because she never did she think she would be spending more than five minutes downstairs.

As the elevator doors opened, Eliana led herself to the entrance where her colleague was waiting. He smiled profusely in her direction and soon as she reached him, he just nodded to his side, where the waiting entrance lounge was located.

There stood a tall man, whose back was facing her and a smile spread through her lips, since only one person came to mind.

"This is definitely an unexpected visit."

"Eliana" the tall young man turned around, "it's good seeing you too."

"To what do I owe this visit, Bradley?" she smiled, giving his name more emphasis.

"I enjoyed watching you celebrate yesterday, and I realized I haven't yet thanked you personally for the help you have given me the past months."

"No way! It was you?"

"Guess so." Bradley replied, flashing his pearly white teeth.

"Well... thank you." she paused, thinking about the other part of the speech. "But you didn't need to come here to personally thank me, I imagine how hospitals must bring back memorie-"

"It's not the only reason. I wanted to treat you to dinner, something more personal. If that's fine with you, of course."

Eliana's word vomit was replaced with complete silence. She bit the inside of her cheek, and looked at the ground, and looked back at Bradley, only to look back down at her watch.


"Tell me if it's a no, I can deal with rejection." His smile dropped for a second.

"I'd love to,..."


"Only if you'll wait 10 minutes for the end of my shift."

The young basketball player sighed loudly and nodded.

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