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The Christmas atmosphere was spreading life wildfire in between the hospital walls and Eliana was excited to witness it all. She enjoyed the holidays a little too much and being in the hospital was somewhat rewarding.

For this period of time, she was some of these people's family and she made sure to spread her happiness.

She set a few decorations in Mr. Randolph's room, to see if his spirits would lift and Christmas crept onto his skin. Unfortunately, he happened to be Grinch in person.

"I don't understand why you insist on hanging these socks in my room."

"Christmas stockings are a tradition, and I won't give up on you. An inner Santa is dying to come out."

He sighed and turned the volume on the screen a little louder. "Sure, let me at least listen to the Wizards' news."

In comparison to the usual grumpy self, Mr. Randolph was a little calmer than usual. He hadn't been in his best health lately and doctors affirmed he had seen better days. Cancer was a constant battle and it could take a turn for the worst when you least expected.

That is why Eliana tried her hardest to distract him from everything around him while focusing on his recovery.

She finished hanging her own stocking in the wall and turned her attention to the local sports news.

On other news,  Christmas miracles do happen. Wizard's shooting guard Bradley Beal is set to return to the field in the next home game. 

The nurse turned to Mr. Randolph and smiled. "Heard that? A Christmas miracle."

A knock on the door was heard and both turned their heads to see non-other than the man of the hour.

"I can't believe it."

"Speaking of the devil." Mr. Randolph commented and shook the young basketball player's hand.

"You were talking about me?"

"Not us, the news. Congratulations!" Eliana took the liberty to hug the tall figure. "You're finally ready."

"I thought I'd be the one telling you, guess news runs fast around here." He laughed before they parted ways and he sat on the little lounge chair next to the hospital bed.

"If you had gotten here two minutes earlier, perhaps."

"Can't believe they're already onto that on tv, I heard the news not long ago myself."

"it's surreal."

"Now it's our time to shine." Mr. Randolph commented. "I'm counting on you to take my Wizards far."

"Easy there, sir" Eliana replied "you have quite a few games ahead."

"There you go, doubting my team."

"I'm just saying, it'll be a challenge. But we'll surely be here to watch and support you in your comeback!"

"About that..." Bradley reached in his hoodie's pocket and took what looked like a piece of paper out of it. "I am so thankful to have had you by my side during my recovery and I'd love to have you both there during my return."

"Brad, that's amazing but I can'-"

"I know it's not Paul George, but I promise to do my best."

The young woman laughed as she looked between the two men.

"I've been in the night shift lately and I need to take care of this grouch right here." She shrugged.

"Don't you dare look at me, you know I'm going to be mad if you don't go."

"But what about you?"

"I never liked the noise in the arenas, the tv and my bed are so much more comfortable for me."

They discussed the dates and Eliana was somehow concerned to be absent from Mr. Randolph during one of her night shifts. She knew changing it with one of her colleagues wouldn't be a problem, but due to his recent health issues she wanted to be by his side religiously.

"I understand if you can't-"

"She can." The older man groaned. "At least she can see how a true team plays."

"I guess I can't refuse." Eliana smiled before thinking briefly, still not sure whether or not it was the right decision before eventually shrugging it off. "It'd be an honor!"

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