16.2 / PAMELA

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The young adult was in an awe after the small moment he had shared with Eliana. Such a simple moment and dance that could've easily been jeopardized by his not-so-good dancing feet but much to his surprise, was like a dream.

It felt like the pair had known each other for ages and everyone seemed to think so.

She was able to get along with just anyone she came across — from his parents, to the small children and especially with his aunts that were always keen for gossip, but this time seemed to be enchanted by the young woman's grace. 

Once the music ended, they walked over to where his grandfather was sat watching the rest of the get-together and Bradley took a seat in the arm of the chair Eliana decided to rest at. He was so content, that only after noticed his grandfather's commentary. 

"It's quite crazy, you remind me just of Pamela. Back in the old days."

"I do get told that a lot-" she interrupted, before chuckling. "I'm sorry, it's just that's my grandmother's name."


The first second after her remark, silent set and it wasn't until she looked up at Bradley's grandparent Bruce that he noticed her eyes fixated on her "It is such a great coincidence" she added, dismissing the subject. 

"Pamela was what many of you don't have nowadays — a true love."

"Prepare for the storytelling" Bradley lowered to her ear, whispering. 

"What happened between you two?" Eliana inquired, curious as to hear his side of the story. 

"Right person wrong timing, I suppose" the older man stared away as if reminiscing "when I was Bradley's age, things were very different. I didn't quite have the choice on what to do with my personal life — which is why I've always encouraged my grandchildren to do so."


"I was sent to the army while barely showing signs of a mustache" he chuckled mid-sentence "which is where I did meet Pamela, she was two years older than me I believe. In the midst of hell, I found peace." 

Eliana pouted in awe and smiled up at Bradley, without the elder noticing. 

"She was very kind to us all, and my camarads laughed at me for saying so but I always thought she had a special interest in me. There were times where I would fake a simple headache so I could visit her and we talked about everything you can possibly imagine."

"Why did you part ways Bruce, if I may ask?"

"I do remember that day. December 7th, we were scheduled for a few run-downs and tests — just another day in paradise. We were attacked by surprise, chaos everywhere. I managed to survive but saw a lot of friends die nearby. From that day on, never saw her again."

Eliana ran her hand through the elder man's arm in a gesture of affection, however the three were interrupted once momma Besta called for the meal of the evening. 

The rest of the evening was well spent. Bruce insisted for Eliana to sit by the end of the table near him, which was quite a privilege for newcomers as he could be very quiet when he didn't fancy someone and this time, he couldn't get all words out at once.


The goodbyes took close to an hour, not only because there were a lot of family members to speak to, but also because they had taken a liking into Bradley's plus-one. 

"I was about to tell my parent's to lend you my childhood room, so you could spend the evening." Bradley chuckled, resting his left hand on the wheel and the other one on his car seat. 

"Unlike you, at least I would certainly fit that bed." 

Both of their eyes were fixated on the road, except for a casual comment every now and then. "Do you want to spend the night? I can totally fix the guest room in my hous-"

"It's okay, Brad" Eliana smiled into her words "you have done enough. And I think at some point I was bound to return to my apartment, or I may as well start paying rent." 

"I would not oppose to that" the young man responded, rethinking his comment as he parked near her building's entrance "you know, in case you need someone to talk to." He finished, now looking at her once the car came to a stop.

"Yes, I understood" they smiled at each other in silent for a few seconds before she took his hand in hers. "I know I've said this but can't stress it enough — thank you for tonight. It warmed my heart."

"Anytime. I am so happy they saw you as I see you."

The comfortable silence set yet again, as the young pair seemed to be satisfied and infatuated with looking into each other's eyes, rather than spoiling the moment with words. 

"I should get going." 

"Text me when you get there."

"It's just a few floors up" she giggled "and I do have an elevator." 

"Still" he smiled whilst pressing a small peck to her cheek "for safety matters."


Took Eliana no longer than 15 minutes to call Bradley, who took no longer than 20 to get home. Both stayed on the phone with each other during his entire car ride home, and then some more as both prepared to sleep.

He had his device on speaker as brushing his teeth and as she laid down.

"Do you believe in serendipity?"

"As much as I know the meaning of it, yes." he spoke in-between brushing.

"Speaking with your grandfather today, I felt a comfort that you feel with your own family. And when he spoke about Pamela,... it called home."

"Does it sound familiar to you?"

"It did, it sounded just like my grandmother."

"Do you actually think it can be her?"

"I do."

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