Initiation (Will Roland x Reader)

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Anonymous: "Hi Jess! Can I have an fluffy imagine with Will Roland where it's my first day as an understudy for Alana, and the cast celebrates it? Sorry if it's too weird lol 😅"
Plot 1 of 2: It's your first day coming into the show as Kris's understudy for Alana and boyfriend Will and the rest of the cast surprise you when you show up to celebrate you joining the cast!
warnings: nopity nope nope (idk swirlie mention and implied ass slapping from the one and only Mike Faist)


     You walked into the side entrance to the Music Box Theatre, for the first time as a cast member. You took a sharp inhale of breath and took in the sight and familiar smell of the theatre. Walking down the hall to the staircase that led to all the dressing rooms, you pulled out your phone, smiling giddily at your screensaver like you did every time you saw the picture. It was one of your favorites, a selfie of you and your boyfriend Will on the first night Dear Evan Hansen went on Broadway...
     You had gone to see the show, slightly amazed that Will actually managed to get you a ticket. You had walked him to the theatre and to the door, but you weren't allowed past that point, cast and crew only. He looked at you and smiled, you grinning back proudly, pulling him into a firm and comforting hug.
     "I'm so proud of you, Will, you're gonna be amazing, okay?" You reassure him, pulling out of the hug and holding onto his shoulders tightly, looking him in the eyes.
     "Well, I am the Will Roland after all!" He joked. You chuckled, mumbling about what a nerd he was, before leaning in to kiss him good luck. As he turned to walk into the building you called to him.
     "Break a leg, nerd!" You called, The sentence being sincere but mostly an excuse for you to use the cliche 'break a leg' saying, "Or break in a glove, instead!" You said, giggling to yourself.
     "You're not funny!" Will called before the door closed behind him. You could hear his fond laughter from the other side. You smiled and walked back towards your apartment to get ready for the show tonight, which was only in a few hours...
     You got to the floor your dressing room was to be on, putting your phone away after shooting Will a quick text saying you'd made it and asked if he was here. He said he had to do something before coming to the theatre and would meet you there, being very vague about why he wasn't going to be walking with you today. You had shrugged it off and didn't think much of it, wondering now what he had to do as you opened your dressing room door. Your hand flew to your heart as it sped up, hearing a semi-large group of people yell various forms of 'Congratulations!' when you entered your dressing room. You smiled, Will standing in the very center of the rest of the cast and their understudies, smiling proudly at what he had done. A banner hung lazily over the mirror in your otherwise plain dressing room. It read 'Welcome To The Cast, Y/N' in big blocky letters in the same color scheme of the show.
    "Awww, Will!? Did you do this?" You asked, running into his arms and squeezing him tightly.
     "Nah. I mean technically I guess I did, but I really wanted to make you go through some cult initiation thing. Unfortunately some people," he gestured to Ben and Laura, "didn't think it would be funny to give you a swirlie or make you do the autograph line in just the Evan egg or something," he chuckled, hugging you tightly.
     You laughed, pulling away from the hug, "Thank you all, seriously," you said, each of them saying their own 'you're welcome's and 'congrats' and patting you on the back as they all eventually filed out of your dressing room, leaving you and Will alone.
     The two of you eventually made your way over to the small couch in the corner of your room, cuddled on it as you talked quietly about the show before you had to get ready.
     "Thank you, you really didn't have to do this," you said, looking up fondly to the banner, which you figured Mike painted based of the amount of blue paint on his hands and the blue handprint his understudy, Michael, hadn't yet noticed on his ass.
     "Anything for you," he said softly, kissing the top of your head lightly, "now, about your initiation swir-"
     "Roland," you warned him, giggling a bit at your nerd of a boyfriend.

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