On a Perfect Day (Ben Platt x Reader)

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Request: "can you write a really cute date imagine with Ben Platt? Like where he would take you when he has a day off?*with possible fluff*"

This is short but I feel like it's just a cheesy short and sweet cute lol fic idk

Warnings: I wanted to get something out for y'all since the great big long chaptered fic is taking a while and will still be a while as I will be out of town this weekend :( but it's coming and I feel like y'all will love t as much as I already do!!! I'm not a huge fan of how this turned out tbh, especially towards the end, and I hate the ending, but enjoy? this is the most sickeningly sweet thing I've ever wrote and it's so shit I'm sorry rip. Hella fluffy. Descriptive food mentions from about halfway through til the end.

Written on mobile.

Plot: it's just where he takes you on a day off exactly like the request says.


     Doing eight shows a week was insanely tiring for Ben; you knew that of course, and could not describe your shock for the excitement and energy he has on his days off. He still wakes up early on his few days off from the show, due to still being in 'show mode' as you call it, and the two of you cuddle in bed for another twenty minutes before getting up, him making a tea and you a coffee. He teases you about the horribly bitter smell, but you ignore his taunts and take another sip before going to cook breakfast with him. The two of you usually make a simple breakfast, but it's still healthy and follows his strict show diet. Sometimes you have to take some time to chuckle at how cliche the two of you looked, almost like you've just walked out of a romantic comedy that women dragged their boyfriends too and clusters of teenage girls teared up watching. You cook with your hair up in a messy bun, strands falling out in every direction, wearing one of Ben's larger t-shirts and your underwear. He stands behind you, his bare chest against your clothed back if he's not standing far enough back to admire your butt, wearing only pajama pants. If he opted to stand with his chest pressed comfortably against you, his hands are on yours on the spatula and handle of the pan and you giggle as he guides you in flipping the eggs, as if you don't already know how to make eggs and he has to teach you.

     This morning is slightly different to his usual days off. Your woken up at eight to the smell of coffee and light, sweet kisses on your face. Smiling and stretching while you do so, you open your eyes and are met face-to-face with an already dressed and showered Ben. You take a moment to admire his eyes, him staring back at you before leaning down to peck your lips a few times, pulling away slowly and letting the kiss linger on your lips.

     "Breakfast in bed, for you, my love," he stands up straight, revealing the source of the coffee smell alongside a plate of eggs and avocado spread on toast. You sit up and smile happily at the plate, reaching forward to take it and pulling Ben into another kiss as you set the plate on your lap and grab the Dear Evan Hansen mug from his hand.

     "Thank you," you whisper sincerely against his lips, before pulling back to take a sip of coffee, tasting that it's just how you like it, with the perfect amount of milk and sugar. He looks expectantly at you, waiting for approval on the coffee and hoping he made it to your standards. You smile and nod at him and he grins proudly before speaking up again.

     "Go ahead and get dressed and ready when you're done eating. Not to rush you of course!" You giggle as he assures you to take your time, "I'm gonna take you out today," he says matter-of-factly and full of pride. You take a bite your your toast and nod excitedly, wondering what the day ahead will hold.

     Another two hours later and your stomach is full of delicious food and coffee and you're dressed, choosing to dress simple enough for a normal day in New York, but cute enough for nearly any date Ben could take you on. As you continued to wonder what he could possibly be planning, you walked out of your shared apartment and waited for Ben to lock the door behind you before taking his hand in yours and intertwining your fingers. You looked up at him and smiled, grateful for him and your life in New York together in general, before laying your head on his shoulder and walking out the door of your apartment building. Reaching his car you both walk around to the passenger side, Ben opening the door for you and making a gesture for you to get in.

     "After you, m'lady," he says in a mock posh voice, you giggling and pecking his cheek, mumbling a 'thank you' and calling him a nerd before you get in. In seconds he's back around and getting into the drivers side, starting up the car and started the drive to wherever he planned to take you. You fiddle with the radio station until you stop on a station playing old 2000's hits, mainly because a Beyoncé song is currently playing. You giggled as Ben danced excitedly to it, struggling to keep his gaze on the road and hands on the steering wheel. Smirking, you posted a video of him singing and dancing dramatically on SnapChat, with the caption "date day with da real beyoncé 💖" and imagined his reaction later when he sees the video. The ride is a couple hours long, but the lengthy time is made enjoyable with the veins you have of Ben and the time you get to appreciate him, and admire the tiny amount of scruff he currently had before it was gone for tomorrow's show. A few times you had turned away to look out the window and marvel at the beautiful city you still adored, and you'd come to find later on that Ben had snuck a few pictures of your wondrous look when stopped at red lights. When he finally parked the car you had fallen asleep for just a small cat nap. He jumped at the chance to get some more pictures of you, as you were cuddled against the seat, before waking you up gently, whispering that you were here. You looked up to see a park it seemed; it was a large field that seemed to go on for forever, with a small hill to the left and no people nowhere to be seen. Matched with the bright sun and blue skies, it was a gorgeous view.

     "It's beautiful," you said in slight awe.

     "Beautiful," Ben mumbled and looked at you in complete awe as he repeated your words, but he was talking about something other than the field.

     "It's empty too, nobody around, no witnesses. You sure you didn't bring me here to kill me?" you joke lightheartedly, looking at Ben and giving him a smile while he quickly averts his eyes, hoping you didn't notice him staring. You blush, as you did notice his staring, and bite your lip as you look to your lap.

     "Ya know, I didn't think of that, but thanks for the idea!" He jokes back before getting out of the car and running over to your door to open it for you before you open it for yourself. You giggle at his chivalry and step out, watching as he goes to the trunk and reveals a cooler and a blanket. He lays the blanket out and pulls the cooler to sit next to it, plopping down on the blanket and patting a spot next to him for you to sit. You're grinning from ear to ear and hold back tears of pure happiness as you sit next to him.

     "This is officially the cutest date I've ever been on," you say sweetly as you lean in to kiss Ben gently on the lips, once, twice, and then a third time before you pull back a bit and smile at him. He stares right back at you, his smile mirroring yours as he finally looks away to unpack the food, revealing many of your favorite foods. Opening the cooler you find your favorite fruits and vegetables, a couple sodas, a bottle of your favorite wine, and a small chocolate cheesecake. Your jaw drops slightly as you admire the delicious foods before your eyes and you look to Ben in awe, wondering how anyone could be so perfect and thoughtful.

     "Definitely the best date I've ever been on, oh my gosh!" You exclaim as Ben looks down sheepishly before unpacking the food and setting it out for the two of you to gorge; which you definitely do.

     Once a majority of the food has been eaten and some of it has been stored, temporarily that is, as it will be taken out once you get hungry again, the two of you lay a back on the blanket. Ben lays on his back with his arm around you, and you are curled up with your head resting on his shoulder. You watch birds pass by and trees sway in the breeze and close your eyes, feeling yourself drift to sleep as you're met with the subtle feeling of undeniable love for Ben and full content. You feel Ben give the top of your head a light kiss and you smile, mumbling an 'I love you' in return, before finally falling asleep. It's another couple of hours before you wake up, and you find yourself in the car on the way back to your apartment, wrapped in the picnic blanket. You smile at Ben's thoughtfulness once again and drift back off to sleep, but not before you reach a hand over to Ben's side of the car blindly and take his, holding it as you slept the rest of the way home.

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