
10.4K 411 38

"Breaking News."

"Good morning everyone and this is the eight o'clock news on Channel 6. Reports that a body has been found in front of Westwood Highschool is now a buzzing news. We will now talk to Amelia Rose who is now at the scene. Amelia?"

"Good morning everyone and indeed a body was found in front of the school merely hours ago and investigation is still going on.

The body is now identified as 19 year old Nathaniel Quinn, senior year student at Westwood Highschool. Sources close to the 19 year old has revealed that he just got accepted into Stanford for his degree in medicine but was recently reported missing before his death.

Officer Christopher Rennolds was interviewed and this was what he had to say."

"The body was found in front of the school by the school principal who was on his way to work. We are currently suspecting that this might be a suicide attempt but we cannot confirm anything yet."

"Officer! There were sources that said he was reported missing before the death, is it true?"

"Yes, I can confirm that Nathaniel Quinn was reported missing by his mother and girlfriend three hours before the body was found. However, we did not conduct a search as the person must be missing for 24 hours for us to do so."

"Officer Rennolds, is this a case of murder? And if it is how is the people safe?"

"Again I say, investigation is still going on and I cannot reveal anything."

"Officer! What is going to happen to Westwood Highschool because of this incident?"

"The school is now currently on lock down while investigation in under going."

"As said by the Officer Rennolds nothing has been confirmed but sources close to the police department has revealed that the police are suspecting that the teen jumped of the building but again this is not confirmed.

It's revealed that there will be a conference held at the city hall for further knowledge of this case.

This is Amelia Rose, reporting from Westwood."

"Thank you Miss Rose for the report but here's the question...

Was Nathaniel Quinn's death really that simple?

Is this a murder case?

Are the people safe?

What is happening?

Stay tuned for the five o'clock news for further updates of the case...

Also on the news today, is multibillionaire......"

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