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// take care of all your memories; for you cannot relive them //

"The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always -- take any form -- drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!"

I leave a bookmark and close the book before I get too absorbed into the writing of Emily Brontë. My head falls onto the soft pillow and I close my eyes. For once, sleep doesn't come easily so my mind runs wild. Memories from the past and the present are all over the place and a wave of nostalgia washes over me as I remember all the carefree days as a child.

"B-but... mommy, I don't wanna go to a new school." Six-year-old me pouts.

"Oh honey," my mother reaches down to hug me, "you'll like it there. You'll have new friends and everyone is really nice." A smile on her face as she carries me to the car. I smile back and she kisses me on my left cheek. "Now let's get going or you're going to be late."

"Welcome Cassidy, why don't you take a seat next to Georgia. Georgia, raise your hand." The teacher says when I walk into class with my pink backpack. I look around and see a girl with a pink unicorn shirt raise her hand.

I walk towards her and sit on the chair next to her. "Hi, I'm Georgia!"

"H-hi. I-I'm Cassidy..." I say softly as I smile at her cheerful tone. Her toothy grin appears and she hugs me. She's strong!

"You're my new friend and I'm going to call you Cassy!"

"I want to be her friend too!" I hear another voice behind me. I turn to see a boy with brown hair grinning at me without his front tooth.

"This is Jake. He's my friend too! We can be friends together!" Georgia says excitedly and Jake nods.

"Friends forever!"

I smile at the fond memory as my eyes find the photo of Georgia and I, sitting in a photo frame on the desk. We must have been no older than ten in the picture, our arms around each other's shoulders. I think we took that picture on the day we finally managed to convince my mom to buy us fast food.

"Cassidy! Georgia is here!" I hear mom shout and I run down the stairs. I see my red-headed friend sitting on the sofa conversing animatedly with my mom.

"Georgia!" Her head turns at the sound of my voice and she smiles. "Cassy!" We play with my toys and dolls that I've brought down to the living room before mom decides to take us to the mall to get some food. Both of us nod eagerly and my mom laughs before calling Mrs. Avis, Georgia's mom, to inform her about our plans.

"Mom, can we have McDonald's? Pretty please." I ask after we get into her car. Little nine-year-old me loves McDonald's with a passion and wouldn't mind it for every meal.

"Sure honey." Mom laughs, aware of my new found love for chicken nuggets. Georgia and I cheer in joy as the car starts to move.


"Bye, mom!" I leave the house knowing what her reply will be. "First day of freshman year Cassidy... Don't make a fool of yourself." I murmur even though I know the other students will be willing to help if I mess up. I walk through the school doors with my hands holding onto the straps of my bag. Several random students say 'good morning' as I walk past them so I politely greet them back.

"Hey, Cassy!" I turn back and almost fall from the impact of Georgia crashing into me. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry." She apologizes immediately and I smile.

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