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// it's just hard to meet new people //

"Today we will be talking about....."

I zone out from the class as my thoughts quickly travel to the note again. Who could have possibly left it there?

The enemy may be closer than you think.

"Miss Simmons, can you please repeat what I just said?" I snap out of my reverie to see Mr. Arson staring, wait no, more like glaring at me. I can see the rest of the students turning their heads to me, anticipating my answer or in this case, my failure.

"You were talking about the Civil War," I say but it comes out more like a question than a statement. I cross my fingers hoping that I'm not too far from the right answer.

Mr. Arson nods but before he returns to teaching he does not forget to give me a warning. "Please pay more attention in class, Miss Simmons." I quickly nod and sit down. I can see the disappointment in some of the students, they were obviously hoping that I get a scolding instead.

I just have the best classmates.

The bell rings soon after and I absentmindedly go to my locker, my thoughts still lingering on the note. I put in my locker combination and is confused when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Who would text me while I'm in school?

I take out my phone after putting in my books and realize that it's a Facebook message from some guy whose name is Brian.

Brian: Hi!

I look at the message skeptically before clicking on his profile. It says he's from here and that Paula's our mutual friend. He doesn't have many pictures of himself but I'm guessing he's someone from school. Before I can even process another thought, he sends another message.

Brian: Um how are you?

I'm not sure if I know him at all so my reply isn't unexpected.

Cassidy: I'm okay I guess. Sorry, but do I know you?

Brian: Not particularly, I just thought maybe we could maybe chat and stuff :)

I try to comprehend the situation and sort out my messy mind. I don't know what to do but I don't think I should tell anyone. What if this person actually wants to be friends and I reported an innocent person. He could just be an awkward person with terrible social skills, like me, so he comes off awkward and weird.

But I still don't reply to him.


It's been two days since I got the message and I still have not done anything. I'm starting to hope that it is just a prank after all so I can stop thinking about it.

With a sigh, I go to my locker and put all my other books in before I head to the library. And just when I least expect it, my phone lights up showing a notification from messenger.

Brian: Hey, I just realized how awkward my last message is. You're probably gonna ignore this message as well but I swear I only have good intentions.

I finish reading the message and I'm still a bit confused as to why he is messaging me. Sadly, I'm as curious as the cat from the popular quote.

I read the message I typed one more time as I let out a deep sigh.

Cassidy: Tbh, I don't really trust you. I don't even know you that well so it's kind of weird that you messaged me.

Cassidy: I'm not quite sure why I'm replying.

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