bonus #2: behind the scenes

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(IMPORTANT: this is the scene of Brian's  death that were previously not documented. ps. this chapter is written in third person.)

// it ends where it begins //

It is over midnight when his phone vibrates beside him. He pauses the video he's watching and reaches for this phone and sees the text from Cassidy. She asks to meet up with him at the park. He's confused as to why she's still awake at this hour but replies her nonetheless.

She does not reply after that so he gets dressed quickly and grabs his phone before heading out. He walks to their meeting place, his hands are in his pockets in hopes to keep himself warm in the night breeze. He can't help the eerie vibe he feels and he's sure it's not from the silent surroundings around him. He can not shake off the gut feeling that something bad might happen but he keeps trying to convince himself that he's over thinking the whole situation.

It's impossible that Cassidy will do anything harmful right? She can barely hurt a fly, he thinks to himself. On the way to the park, he tries to think of different reasons why Cassidy would need to see him this late but nothing comes to mind. Soon, he sees the entrance to the park and takes out his phone to checks the time. He realizes that he arrived earlier than expected.

The park is deserted, the only sounds he can hear are the noises of cars from a few streets over. Brian's fingers curl underneath the warm material, his eyes slowly observing the lonely pavement and dimly lit area.

He sits on a bench under a barely functioning lamp post, its yellow light flickering every few moments. He wants to laugh at how the scene helps to fuel his imagination. Not long after, he sees Cassidy approaching him from afar. He lets out a breath of relief, glad that nothing happened to the girl on her way here. He stands up and waves at her with a smile. She waves back as she gets closer to him and he can't shake the feeling that something is not quite right.

Cassidy's choice of outfit tonight is a stark contrast to what she had worn earlier. It changes the aura she gives out. Instead of shy and quiet, she screams fierceness. Even the way she walks is different.

"Hey Cass, so are you going to tell me why you wanted to see me so late now?" He raises an eyebrow, teasing her in a way. He notices her lack of response and tries to laugh it off but it just comes out forced.

"I just wanted to see you." Cassidy finally speaks and her tone is different, colder and distant. It's almost as if she's a completely different person altogether. Brian could only nod as he follows her into the park. The lights are on in the park as expected but for some reason, he wishes it is daylight instead. Normally, he does not mind the silence between him and Cassidy but tonight he just wishes that someone would say something.

He might even want someone else to be there with them, almost as if he's afraid of her. He could not bear the uncomfortable silence any longer so he decides to speak first.

"So," he scratches the back of his head, "what's wrong?" Cassidy shrugs but turns to look at him. The sharp look she gives him takes him off guard but he tries to convince himself that he's just imagining things. He's probably just too tired to function normally but he knows one thing is for sure. Cassidy is hiding something and he's determined to find out what it is so he can help her in whichever way he can.

"I just want to show you something." Cassidy says and smiles but it seems forced, like she does not mean a thing she said.

"What is it?" Brian tries to lighten up the mood, the tension becoming unbearable.

Her lips pull into a smile that almost looks menacing. The girl in front of him has the same smile as Cassidy but it just doesn't look right. The intimidating look on the girl he thought was shy and lovely does not sit well with him.

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