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// love is never lost //

I'm staring at my white ceiling in my room. My surroundings are so quiet I can even hear the clock ticking. I don't really know how I went from doing homework to staring at the ceiling but it's actually quite relaxing, looking up at nothing and listening to the continuous ticking sound.

I lie there with my eyes close for a few more moments before finally stretching and getting up from bed. I check for the time on my phone and realize that it's five thirty in the evening so mom and dad should be back soon.

Just as I'm about to climb onto the bed and be lazy again, a thought reminds me that I'm making dinner today. With a sigh and no idea in mind of what to cook, I go down to the kitchen and check the fridge to see what I can use.

I find some leftover turkey and some pasta in the cabinet so I decide to make a simple pasta with the pre-made marinara sauce Kris bought last week. I quickly tie up my hair in a lazy ponytail before I start cooking.


I leave the house for school earlier than usual that day so I find myself going to the library as I wait for class to start. I decide to send Brian another message after some thinking so I take out my phone.

Cassidy: The poem's pretty interesting actually, it has a ring to it. It's a bit weird, though.

Cassidy: I wrote you a poem since you've been kind enough to spend time thinking of one for me.

Cassidy: Blue as the ocean, but never scared of emotions. I might seem kind of weary, but that's just your theory.

Cassidy: I hope you like the poem haha. Have a nice day, Brian.

I hit send on the last message just as the bell rings, telling me that it's almost time for the first period.


Tom is over for dinner again and thankfully, it's not my turn to cook. I'm wearing something fancier than my worn down t-shirt and sweatpants again. Mom kind of gave me a look when I came down in my sweats so I immediately went back up to change.

"Have more of the roast chicken, Tom, it's a family favorite." Mom says with a smile and my eyes go to the dish. Mom made stew the last time Tom came but that was a week ago, she likes to show off her cooking skills.

"It's really good, Mrs. Simmons. Don't tell my mom but your cooking is way better than hers." Tom says with a smile and mom laughs. Kris smiles as she eats, clearly happy that everyone is getting along.

"How's school, Cassidy?" I hear dad ask so I turn to him with a small nod. "It's going well dad, nothing to worry about," I say and he nods, then he proceeds to ask Kris about college.

"Everything is all set now so I should be able to join next semester. Tom is applying for college too..." I block out the rest of their conversation because even though I'm happy that Kris is happy with Tom, I just don't want to hear them plan their own future because I have absolutely no idea how mine will be like.

After dinner is over and Tom has gone home, I find myself back in my room. Just as I'm about to reach for my phone, it lights up with a message.

Brian: I think we've been talking for about three weeks now? Why don't we play something like 20 questions?

Brian: We'll ask questions the other is supposed to know the answer to. If you remember correctly, you get a point. The one with the most points win.

Brian: The reward is that the winner gets to ask the loser a question or to do something. It can be anything.

Brian: And clear your chat history.

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