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// sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me //

There is no doubt that something is different. Something is off and just doesn't feel right. It didn't feel right the moment I stepped into the school compound.

Feeling slightly self-conscious, I walk quietly and slowly while crossing my arms over my chest and looking for Georgia at the same time. People around me are standing around in groups, whispering and giggling. For the first time, no friendly exchanges are happening in the hallway.

"Cassidy?" I hear someone call out softly, but loud enough for me to hear. I spot my best friend instantly. "Georgia!" I immediately rush to her, glad that I am not alone. "Did something happen?" I whisper. Georgia's eyes widen and she exclaims softly, "I thought it was just me who noticed! I'm pretty sure someone tried to purposely trip me earlier."

I start to process the information when a group of girls stop in front of us. One of the girls, who seems to be the leader of the group wears a menacing grin on her face. "Well, what do we have here?" She sneers and her friends giggle. I keep quiet and try to remain a neutral expression. I was never close to these girls, but from what I know, they had always been nice. Everyone has always been nice.

Why are people suddenly acting rude?

"Look at you, who do you think you are? Are we so below you that you can't even talk to us?" She taunts. I am taken back, and I know Georgia is as well. I've never done anything to them and they had always been fairly nice, why were they saying these things?

"What are you talking about?" I reply, still being polite. I mustn't be a hypocrite.

The girl, whose name I think is Paula, scoffs. "Oh, cut the act. We all know that you aren't as nice as you believe. Everyone here isn't." Gasps can be heard around us, and I know that I do not want to participate in this anymore.

I do not say anything else and leave the crowd to go to my locker, with Georgia at my side. "What just happened?" I ask quietly, still a bit stunned. "I don't know." She mutters.

Something's changed.

"As we all know, the school had been closed for about a week and a half now, and this is due to the very tragic death or one of our students, Nathaniel Quinn, who was a senior student in our school. This was a very unexpected incident and I hope everyone would give their respect and prayers to his family and friends. Let's have a moment of silence."

At that moment, it is as though the hall is empty. Not a sound is made. But then I hear the familiar sound of sobbing, and I look up. I see her there, her head on Tom's shoulder. I didn't expect her to come.

"Students, you are now dismissed. Pay attention in class and have a great day." The principal announces and everyone stands up to leave. Should I go see my sister? The more I think about it, the more I decide against it.

Just as I am leaving the hall, someone pushes me, and I know it isn't an accident. Someone was behind and decided to push me, and the loud laughter just proves it. I quickly get up and bite my lip, trying to blend into the crowd. Why are people being mean all of a sudden?

Westwood High School might not have the best achieving academic results, but the people here are the nicest and friendliest people. Or so they were. When I first got into high school, I was scared, but I slowly realized that maybe it wasn't so bad after all. Everyone helped everyone, no matter what.

But now, I'm not so sure. And it almost feels like the first day of school again. Terrifying.

When I get into the class, I decide to sit in a corner seat in the very front row. That way, I'll still be able to see the whiteboard, but it won't be too obvious if I lose concentration. There is already someone sitting there, but I go up to the boy and ask politely, "May I sit here?"

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