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// tears are the silent language of grief //

Kris did not let me go to school today either, she's scared that I'll have a panic attack in school since according to her, I'm still not emotionally stable yet. I tried to argue with her about it because I didn't want to stay at home and let my thoughts wander. Kris stood her ground and called the school office before I could even say another word, so I had no other choice.

I've been trying to avoid watching the news or going on the internet because I know his death will be everywhere and I'm not sure I'll be able to see his face without blaming myself for his leaving.

The entire day I was contemplating if I should read a small article about Brian and when I finally did, I read another article relating to the case which was followed by another one. Now, I'm watching a news report on YouTube regarding the newest police reports.

Officer Christopher Rennolds has updated the media at a conference this morning regarding the case of Oliver Gaines. Officer Rennolds has confirmed that this case is not a murder case. Our reporters got to interview him this morning and this was what he had to say.

"Officer, you said that this is not a murder case. What has resulted into this conclusion?"

"Well, at first we thought someone drowned the victim since his lungs were full of water but we could not find any signs of struggle on the victim's body. On the other hand, we found traces of the victim's blood on a rock near the lake which is not far from where he was found.

We believe that the victim might have slipped on the wet ground and hit his head on the rock which left him unconscious so when he fell into the lake he could not swim himself to safety and thus drowned. However, we are still investigating to find further solid evidence."


I block out the rest of the video because I just can't wrap my head around the fact that Brian, or Oliver, drowned because he slipped. It makes no sense but it seems like the only explanation. I close the tab because I know I've seen enough.

I lean back against my chair and stare up at the ceiling as multiple thoughts float around in my mind. At least Brian was not stabbed or went through any extreme pain. I try to make myself feel slightly better because it would pain me knowing that before he died, he was in pain and bleeding while barely being able to breathe.

However, there's one question that lingers in my mind.

Why was Brian even in the park so late into the night?


"Are you sure you want to go to school? I can still call the-"

"I'm sure, Kris. Aren't you supposed to encourage me to go to school and get an education?" I try to lighten the situation even though I feel like crap. Kris gives me a concerned but small smile and starts the car. When she starts driving, I erase my smile and face the window since I know Kris won't be able to see my face this way.

Once we reach school, I give a reassuring smile to Kris before speed walking to my locker. Everything after that is pretty much a blur because I could not focus in class no matter how hard I tried. I had three teachers asking me if I am alright which I just reply with a smile and nod.

During lunch, I go to the library instead of eating. I know the teachers would probably ask Kris if I'm sick and I really do not want to lie to Kris again. When school finally ends, I feel incredibly tired even though all I did in school was zone out during classes and think about Brian.

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