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// refuse to entertain your old fear //

When life takes a change for the better, it always seems surreal in the beginning. Questions always tend to surface, and it usually goes along the lines of "Is this really real life?", but slowly you get used to it. After a period of time, you stop asking. I think it's important that in order for life to go smoothly, you just have to go with the flow sometimes.

I guess, that's what I'm doing right now.

I open my closet, grabbing some clothing I only recently bought after a big clean up. I change into a white collared shirt, matched with a leather skirt that falls right above my knees. I swipe on some mascara and lip tint, looking into the mirror with a smile.

My fingers unlatch the small jewelry box I got ages ago, taking out a pair of earrings that have a simple design with tiny gems. With one last look at my reflection, I go to the kitchen for breakfast. My mom prepared some waffles for us, which is one thing I'm happy to get used to. I haven't seen my parents in such a long time, but they got back a few days ago and they might be sticking around longer this time.

Dad is at the dining table chatting away with mom as they both eat. I take a serving for myself and join them, taking a seat next to Kristiana. She eyes me up and down but doesn't say anything. While I pour some maple syrup on my waffles, mom asks a question. "Are you going somewhere, Cass?"

She's probably referring as to why I'm dressed up so early in the morning. I shrug. "Yeah, I think I'm just going to walk around town for a bit. I don't really have anything planned."

"That's nice," she comments and dad hums in agreement. Soon, we lapse into a conversation about Tom and Kris.

"Is he going to pop the question anytime soon?" Dad narrows his eyes at Kris, and she almost chokes. I laugh a little at the awkward situation she is in.

"I don't know." Mom frowns. "But I mean it has to be soon right? I know you guys haven't been together that long, but you're not getting any younger." Kris clears her throat and drinks her orange juice.

As a dear sister, I try to help her out a little. "Come on mom and dad, leave Kris alone. It'll happen when it happens. Didn't you used to say that education always comes first, she has to finish university right?" They change the topic after that, by switching the attention to me.

Mom smiles tentatively at me. "How about you, Cassidy?" I raise an eyebrow at the question. "What about me?" Dad chuckles.

"She's asking if you have a special someone in your life." Realization dawns upon me and I blush a little. "Of course not!" I exclaim.

Not that you would know if I did, I think bitterly but I quickly shake off that thought. At least they're here now.

My parents nod and continue eating. We avoid the topic about relationships for the rest of breakfast and instead focus on something else. "When's your next business trip?" Dad shakes his head with a soft smile.

"We're not going to be away for a while, we want to spend more time with you girls." Mom nods in agreement and stares at us with a sad look. They probably feel guilty for leaving us alone for so long.

I don't say a word, just displaying a mere smile and continue finishing up breakfast. It's good that they'll be home more. It's great that they want to spend more time with us. It's been a long, long while since that has happened.

At noon, I tell everyone that I will be going to the mall to look around for a bit. Mom and dad asked if I would be with friends, but I didn't respond to it and neither did Kris.

They don't have to know.

My usual transportation, the bus, takes me to my destination in a short time. I wonder for a minute exactly when I can get my license because frankly, I am getting tired of sitting in public transportation every time I want to go somewhere.

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