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// a friend who dies, it's something of you who dies //

Dreaded silence fills the house, save for the occasional sob coming from the room beside mine. I contemplate whether I should go, before lifting myself off the bed and onto the soft peach colored carpet.

I quietly pad my way to my sister's room, then knocking on the door gently. The sound of my knuckles against the wood echoes in the hallway.

"Kris? It's Cassidy." I say softly, not wanting to disrupt the silence. My only reply was sniffling. For a minute, I wonder if she heard me.

I continue to stare at the door, wondering if I should leave. Then, the door opens to reveal a tear streaked Kris, her eyes and nose reddish.

Before anything else, I wrap my arms around her, not saying anything. I could feel my shoulders getting a little wet, but I didn't mind. My sister needs me now more than anything. We pull apart and I went inside her room, shutting the door behind me. She sits on her bed and I do too, silence ensues as we are both unsure of what to say.

I'm  not the type to offer comfort. In fact, I am hardly the type of person to interact with other people. "I - I'm sorry." I stammer, and she didn't reply but I can hear her silently weeping still. "Er - um, it - it gets better." I look at her before putting my arm around her shoulder and pulling her in for a side embrace.

I have always been terrible with words, but what I can do is show them I will be there for them.

"Thank you." She says with her voice raspy and strained. I just nod quietly and we stay there in each others' company for a while.

I feel terribly sorry for my her. Her boyfriend has just been found dead in front of our school. Apparently, he jumped off the top of the building and no one found him until early this morning. Nothing has really been confirmed yet though. I didn't know Nate that well, but I don't think he would be someone who would end their own life. I always thought Nate was a really nice person who was in a happy relationship. 

"I can't believe he's gone." Kris hiccups, and I pity what she had to go through. I can't even fathom the idea of losing my best friend, much less someone who is more than a friend. 

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door and I hear someone say, "It's Tom." Tom was Nate's best friend so this must be hard for him as well. I'm glad that he thought to come to comfort Kris even though they are both struggling through this time. 

Kris gets up slowly and goes to open the door. She stands with her back to me and I hear Tom say, "Hey, sorry I kind of just came without asking." 

Kris mutters a soft "It's fine" before ushering him into room as I sit unmoving on her bed. "Hi, Cassidy." Tom greets and I nod back. Kris then motions to a chair near her table and Tom sits down as she settles on the bed next to me. 

"I'll get some water for both of you." I say a bit awkwardly as I stand to leave the room. 

"I can't believe it. We were just texting yesterday and when I didn't get a reply, I was so - " I could hear Kris say as I stand outside her door. She sounds lost and wretched. I could feel my heart constrict at the tone of her voice. 

"I just wish - I could've helped him. I should've known there was something wrong. It's all my fault." She cries out and I frown. I wish I could convince her that none of it is her fault but I don't think my words would be of any use. I mean you can't stop something you didn't know. 

"It's okay, it's okay. It'll get better." I hear Tom say which makes me feel a bit more relieved. At least someone who's here for Kris has better comforting skills than me. 

I remember Nate in school. He was light hearted, and was always nice to me. He was also a very good boyfriend to Kris and I was convinced he was 'The One' for her. It's hard to imagine I won't be seeing him in the hallways anymore, or coming to the house to hang with Kris.

I wonder how everyone is coping with a sudden death in town. Westwood has always been a very peaceful place where nothing much happens so everyone was shocked at the incident. People have even started rumors about how Nate's case might not be suicide. Normally, we don't view rumors as anything important but this time is different.

I guess, deep down, I have my doubts too. 

Hi! Leah and I would like to thank you for giving us a chance and reading this book. I promise you, it will be a book full of unexpectations. I hope you guys enjoy and please comment anything, if you think the book is nice or not or any suggestions. It would mean a lot.

Love lots,

Lacy :)

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