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// this is not the end; it is not even the beginning of the end; but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning //



"Jake!" I scream for my friend.

"Cassy!" I spin around and see Georgia running towards me, panic evident on her face. "Georg!" I feel my heart constrict until it was hard to breathe. "Where's Jake?" I hold onto her.

"Who's Jake?" Confusion is now on her face as she slips away from my grasp.

"Jake! He's our best friend!"

"I don't know who's Jake, Cass." Her voice gets softer and softer until it can no longer be heard.

"JAKE!" I scream. I start to feel a burn in my throat from screaming but I don't care.

"She's gone crazy."

"Is she okay?" I can hear whispers from left to right as shadows of people crowd around me.

"She's uncontrollable."

"Jake doesn't exist." The last voice echoes. I turn to the direction of the voice and see the familiar pair of green eyes.


Clammy hands, sweat rolling down my face, and a really dry throat, is how I wake up on Monday morning. The memories of my childhood coming back in pieces, and it doesn't stop even as I sit up on my bed.

"You're the bestest friend ever, Cass." Jake exclaims after I gave him some sweets.

"We're like the three musketeers." Georgia giggles and tries to steal one of Jake's sweets.

"Friends forever." All of us pinky swears.

I shut my eyes tight, trying to stop the scenes from flashing into my mind. The memories are hitting like a wave and I'm unable to stop it.

"You can't leave me! You can't! We promised! You promised! You can't leave me!" I scream.

Stop thinking, Cass. You have Georgia with you. She's not leaving you. No one is going to leave you again. Jake just moved away, it's a normal thing for people to do.

With heavy breathing, I make sure not to make much noise as I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I need to forget this morning ever happened. I need to feel better about the things happening around me. I sit there in the silent kitchen for a while, everything dark except for the lamp that lit the kitchen counter. It's three hours before sunrise, before it's time to go to school.

I shake my head as if that will get rid of everything. I make my way to my bedroom to get ready for the day, despite it being so early. I don't think I can fall back asleep anyways. Once I am dressed and feel much better, I am still the only one awake. I decide to make myself a nice breakfast, seeing I have time on my hands and I need something to distract my thoughts.

After frying some bacon, scrambling some eggs, and getting ready some toast, I happily sit down on a stool. I check the time and know that everyone should start waking up soon. Kris' footsteps can be heard as she walks down, one eye opened as she says, "I smell bacon." I laugh softly. "Sorry, I didn't cook any for you. I can make more if you want some." Kris shrugs.

She looks at me closer and realizes I am already dressed and ready. "Why are you up so early?" She asks. I avoid looking at her and continue eating my breakfast. "Woke up awhile ago and couldn't fall back asleep." From the corner of my eyes, I see her nod mindlessly.

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