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// a friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself //

I put down my cup of coffee on the table before grabbing a book from my ongoing collection. I close my eyes and run my fingers through the book spines. I grab a book at random and smile when I read the title.

To Kill A Mockingbird. Another one of the few classics I like. I sit on my bed but before I could flip to the first page, my phone starts ringing. I reach over to my phone which is conveniently next to the cup of coffee and look at the caller's name before answering.

"Hey, Georgia."

"Hey, Cass! I was wondering if you're free to watch a movie tomorrow. I have nothing to do and don't you lie to me about homework, we all know you already finished." Georgia teases and I let out a small laugh.

"I'll be there, Georgia. How can I say no when it comes to hanging out with my best friend." I hear a satisfied sound from the other end and I can already imagine her smile, even though I can't see her. She's probably lying on her bed with her feet hanging off the side of her bed. Her laptop on her desk, all her pens and paper arranged neatly and not a thing out of place.

"Of course you can't, I mean I am your only friend!" I don't say anything for a few seconds before I burst out laughing. I can hear Georgia laughing too and moments like these make me feel grateful for a friend I can depend on. After all, it is times like these that make me feel happy even though it only lasts for seconds.

I knock on my sister's door, knowing she's awake because she hasn't been sleeping a lot for the past few days. I realize since I haven't been sleeping well lately either so I can hear shuffling in her room at night. I don't normally have trouble sleeping, I just have a gut feeling that something bad might happen and it's been bugging me.

"I'm going out with Georgia. Call me if anything happens." I add the last part knowing that there's a high chance she won't call me.

I walk down the stairs but not before I catch Kris' words. "Stay safe."

I wrap my cardigan closer to my body and curse myself for not wearing something warmer. In the midst of my thoughts, I accidentally knock into someone and I immediately start apologizing.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Watch where you're going." I look up in shock. I stare at the source of the voice and recognize him as someone from my school. He glares at me once more before walking away as he mumbles swear words under his breath.

I stand there, surprised at his outburst, not moving as I try to comprehend what just happened and how he reacted. When I finally come to my senses, I look down at my phone and fasten my pace as I'm running late.

Georgia is probably already there. I think to myself as I feel my phone vibrate in my purse. I answer the call without looking at the caller.


"Hi, Cass. Are you here yet?" I hear her voice as I see a familiar red head holding popcorn and two sodas. She cradles her phone between her ear and shoulder.

"I can see you." I say and she turns to different directions before she spots me moving towards her. She smiles at me and I end the call, rushing to her to help take one of the sodas from her.

"Sorry, I'm late." I apologize as she loops her arm through mine.

"It's okay. Let's go, I want to watch the trailers!" Georgia is not your typical movie-goer, she loves going to the theater early to watch all the trailers and point out which movies she would like to watch in the future. So it's kind of our tradition now whenever we go out for movies together.

"I'll pay you back for the ticket." I reach in for my wallet once we settle in our seats but she stops me.

"It's on me. You can pay later when we go eat or something." She shrugs so I don't argue. I can never win an argument when the opponent is Georgia anyways.

"Wait, what movie are we watching?" I find myself asking as the lights start to dim. "The Amazing Spiderman 2." She replies without looking at me and I smile as I reach for the popcorn, "Oh great!"

"I still can't believe the ending. How could they do that to my emotions?" I cry out for the third time as we line up to order at the cafe we always go to. I have been mourning over the ending of the movie ever since we left the theater so Georgia just chuckles. I sigh dramatically and look up at the menu written on the blackboard. I look at all the different options and I try to find the one I like best that's affordable.

Soon enough, it was our turn to order.

"Hello, welcome to Tick Tock. What would you like to order today?"

"I'll have an iced tea with an egg sandwich please." I smile at the cashier whose name tag says Adrianna.

"I'll have a chai latte with a slice of blueberry cheesecake." Georgia says and the cashier shows us our total. I pay the money and collect the change before the both of us go find a seat. Georgia and I sit near the window since it's raining out and we love the calming sound.

"So?" Georgia starts so I look up at her. "Everyone at school is changing." She looks out the window and a small smile forms.

"Yeah, I don't understand why, though-" The waitress interrupts me as she comes with our order.

"Iced tea and sandwich?" I raise my hand awkwardly and she places the drink and plate in front of me. "Chai latte and cheesecake?" Georgia nods and her order is presented to her.

I take a sip of my tea and a big smile appears on my face. "I don't get why we don't come here often. It's not that expensive and the food is heavenly!" I say and Georgia smiles. She slightly blows her latte to cool it down before taking a drink.

"I'm not sure if you know this Cass, but you tend to stay in your room all day, every day." She says in a serious tone and I laugh.

"That is true, but you already know I'm not much of a social person." I argue before taking a bite from the sandwich.

"Glad to know you understand our situation here." She smiles and eats her cheesecake, "This is amazing Cass! Here, try some." She hands me her fork.

"You eat it, Georg, I have this." I raise up my sandwich.

"If you say so Cass, but know you're missing out on some killer cheesecake."


"Today was fun." Georgia says as we walk to the bus stop. We were in the cafe for three hours just talking about anything and everything. It's really great to finally have some time off with my best friend, it's comforting. I always feel at ease when I hang out with Georgia.

"It was." I smile at her and she gives me a vibrant beam back. Georgia and I ride different buses and her transport happens to arrive first.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school Cass. Also, just know that we're best friends so don't care about what other people say. We'll always have each other no matter what." She smiles and I smile back, but before she gets on the bus she turns around and says something.

"Trust me, okay, just trust me."

Hello! Leah here :) This chapter's mainly just about Cassidy and Georgia's friendship and yes, the Amazing Spiderman ending is sad. It wasn't like I wasn't expecting it but yea. It's a nice movie and if you haven't watched it yet, you should, seriously, do it.

Also, there won't be an update next week because Lacy and I's exams are this week and next so we need more time to study. I think that's it really for this author's note, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and if you did make sure you vote, comment or add this to your library (reading lists too if you do those), it would mean a lot to us.

ps. I know this chapter was bad, sorry :(

Peace out, Leah xx

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