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// news told, rumors heard, truth implied, facts buried //

"I'm going out."

I need something new. I need something fresh.

There are too much tension and sadness in the house that I feel trapped. I want to be in an environment that has more... life. I make sure my outfit is warm enough for the chilly weather before I leave the house.

I walk and walk, without an aim or a destination in mind. Now that I think of it, I don't really go out enough to know where I can go. Going to town doesn't take much time, the area I live in isn't big so everything is close by. There aren't a lot of people around, which is a good thing as well. I spot a nearby cafe and just as I am about to step in, I hear a small cry.

I look around, trying to find the source of the sound. The noise slowly gets louder and more piercing. It sounds like a kid. I finally see a little girl on one of the benches, shivering and crying. I approach the girl slowly, not wanting to startle or scare her.

"Hey sweetheart, where are your parents?" The girl shivers and just stares at me, not answering. She looks frozen from the cold. Deciding that leaving her here is certainly a bad idea, I offer her my hand. It is obvious she is unsure, as she looks at me from head to toe, judging hard. Perhaps she's trying to decide if I am as friendly as I seem or if I'm those strangers the adults warn her about.

After a few more moments of hesitation, she makes a decision and takes my hand cautiously. I bring her into the cafe I wanted to go earlier. The bell chimes and I immediately feel great warmth against my skin. I can tell the little girl is calmer now and enjoying the subtle warmth as well.

I sit her down and let her relax more before asking anything. "Where are your parents?" I repeat the question from before, determined to help her get back to her family. She isn't shivering from the cold anymore, but she still looks nervous. "I - I'm not sure."

"Where did you last see them?" "M - my mo - mom went into a - a shop and it - it was b - big, I couldn't find her, s-so I went outside." She whispers the last part as if it is a secret.

At this moment, my heart goes out to her. Why didn't anyone help when they saw her shivering in the cold? Her cry must have been heard by people walking past.

I order hot chocolate for the girl and hot tea for myself, just to warm ourselves more. We are sitting near the window, and I can still feel the slight chill coming from outside. She drinks the hot chocolate gladly, her face still stained with tear streaks from earlier and I sip my tea. All of a sudden, a lady comes in, frantic and desperate as she starts talking to the guy at the counter, "Have you seen my daughter? She has brown hair and big eyes, she was wearing something blue. Have you seen her?"

The girl's head shot up from drinking her hot chocolate at the sound of the woman's voice. "Momma!" She cries out and the lady quickly turns. Her eyes spot the girl and a look of relief is on her face. She kneels down in front of the girl and kisses her daughter's face all over, hugging her tightly in her arms.

"Adeline, I was so scared when I couldn't find you. Always stay near me, okay? Hold onto my hand and don't go anywhere without me." Her hands grasp the little girl's head with relief, and I can tell from her tone that she's been worried sick.

Adeline nods and pats the seat next to her. The lady turns to me, just noticing my presence and smiles gratefully. "Thank you so much for taking care of her. Knowing Adeline, she was probably outside wandering in the cold."

"It's okay, I just found her sitting on the bench." She gives me another smile and takes out some money from her purse. "Here take this, you paid for the hot chocolate after all. Take it as my way of thanking you."

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