My Embarrassment

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(Welcome back everyone. How is your day going? Not much to say so enjoy the chapter.)

(Hinata's POV)

Fiancé. A word that I thought I would be happy upon hearing. I thought I was going to be the one to chose who got that title. I wasn't. I should realize by now that in this life I don't get to choose.

Ever since I was chosen not to be the next CEO for Hyuga Corporations. I thought I would have more freedom than I do. However, this kind of lifestyle is one no one can get away from. It follows you like a shadow and then eats you in the dark.

"Hinata," whines my little sister from the bottom of the staircase.

"I'm coming down Hanabi," I say back as I start to descend the stairs. Itachi is throwing a small house party for Sasuke's soon to be, promotion.

He sent a personal invite to me. I don't know how he feels about this whole arrangement. I haven't spoken to him since the party.

"If you keep dawdling then you are going to be late." My sister whines. I step on the main flooring in front of my sister.

"I'm here Hanabi, calm down," I say and head past her to the door.

"Have fun, and try not to embarrass yourself." My sister shouts from behind me. I'll try but no promises.

I look up at the apartment number. Yep, this is him. Plus it's also the biggest apartment in the building. I knock on his door. I was just dropped off by one of the drivers for our family. My father says that I should only drive on certain occasions. Going to a party is not one of them.

The door swings open and reveals a smiling face.

"Welcome, Miss Hyuga. The master has been expecting you." Says the man with the smile. I've never seen this man before. He must be Itachi's butler. I wasn't aware he had one.

"Shisui, stop bothering the girl." Says a familiar deep voice behind the man. I peer over the shoulder of the dark haired man to see Itachi standing there. He makes eye contract with me for just a moment.

"Oh come on man. She's your 'you know what." He whispers the last bit. "I have to see what she's like." Adds the man named Shisui. Itachi pushes Shisui away from me.

"I'm sorry Miss Hyuga for his behavior." He apologizes. I wave my hands to dismiss the thought.

"No, it's fine," I say hoping his friend isn't in trouble. The man gives a light chuckle.

"Itachi are you going to introduce me?" He asks. Who is this man to Itachi? Itachi gives a sigh.

"Shisui, this is Miss Hyuga." Itachi motions his hands to the respective person. "Miss Hyuga this is Shisui." Itachi finishes.

I offer my hand to Shisui. He grabs it and kisses the top of it.

"A pleasure, Miss Hyuga," He says.

"Please just call me Hinata," I say. "Everyone else does," I add.

"Not everyone," Shisui says, glancing back at Itachi.

"Shisui is my best friend." Itachi pushes him back again.

"So you're Itachi's betrothed." He states. So he knows? How many other people know?

"Don't worry, He's the only one that is outside of the immediate family that knows about us," Itachi reassures me. "Would you like something to drink?" He asks, gesturing me further into the apartment full of people.

I step into the warm apartment. I start to take off my coat only to feel Itachi help me with it. My knee high dress flutters from the movement. I grab my shawl from the pocket and drape it around my bare shoulders.

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