My Sandcastle

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(Hello, I don't own Naruto or any of the characters. I hope you enjoy.)

(Hinata's POV)

I slowly open my eyes and look around the room, without raising my head. It's a bit chilly, must be because the beach is right next to us.

I latch onto the warm arm that is next to me.It's nice and cozy. I give a small inhale of breath to relax. The air smells of pine and something familiar. I can't quite figure out what the smell is.

"Don't bite me," A rough voice says. I look up and see obsidian eyes staring at me. He gives a small smirk. "I might have to bite back." He teases.

Why does he insist on teasing me? Does he find me being embarrassed to be funny? He's more playful than he usually is.

"I wasn't going to bite you," I mumble out. He gives a chuckle.

"You're adorable." He says with a smile. "As much as I would like to be lazy today and stay in bed, we should eat." He adds, sitting up. I release his arm and sit up as well.

"What would you like to eat?" I yawn out. I guess that sleep hasn't fully left my body yet.

"Whatever you want to make is fine with me." He says, standing up. He moves to the dresser and grabs clothes from the dresser. I follow his lead and do the same.

I grab a purple summer dress with the blue sweater in case I get cold during the day.

"Would you like to take the first shower?" He asks, sitting on the bed.

"Sure, then when you're in the shower I can make breakfast," I explain. I grab my clothes and head for the bathroom.

I walk to the fridge and grab out a carton of eggs. I think a simple breakfast of eggs and toast should do. I'll add some fresh strawberries to the plate. I start by setting the eggs on the counter.

I turn on the stove so the pan can heat up. I hope he likes scrambled eggs. I crack a few in a bowl and whisk them with a fork. I pop the bread in the toaster then I place the eggs in the pan. I cook the eggs and scoot them onto two plates. The toaster pops in the back. Just in time. I place the toast on the plates.

I cut up some strawberries and place a few on the plates as well. That should be it.

"It smells good in here," Itachi says walking into the kitchen. He's wearing shorts and a gray t-shirt. I finally get to see him out of a suit. He actually looks good. I can finally see all of his muscles and the definition on them. His hair is still up though. I guess it's the best way to keep it's out of his face.

"I'm not sure what you wanted to eat so I just made the plain old breakfast," I state. Cooking for him is starting to feel natural. We are finally getting past the barriers that were built before we even met each other. I can feel our friendship growing.

"It looks good and smells good. Plus your cooking is good." He says sitting at the island counter and digging in. I sit down next to him and start eating. I take a bite of the fruit first. I feel the juice drip down my chin. I set the berry down and raise my hand to wipe it off. Itachi grabs my hand before I can reach my face.

"Let me," he says wiping away the juice with the pad of his face. I freeze in my chair. He stares into my eyes with his deep black eyes. The endless pools hypnotize me and I just stare back.

"There," He says removing his hand, snapping me out of my trance.

"Thank you," I say going back to my plate. "So what's on the agenda today?" I ask, taking a bite of my toast.

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