My Swim

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(Hello everyone, This is the last update for the day until tomorrow. I don't own Naruto or any of the characters. Enjoy.)

(Itachi's POV)

I slowly open my eyes and look down at the feminine body next to me. Hinata must have fallen asleep while we were resting on the beach again. Building the sandcastle yesterday was really fun. Showing Hinata how to build it was the best. I had to show her how to mold the sand.

I should wake her up. She might have to put more sunscreen on. I could let her sleep for just a bit more. After all, she looks so small and innocent. She also looks more peaceful. I know she doesn't rest too much due to what happened to her.

I lift my hand and a gently poke her side. She slowly stirs from her sleep. I poke her side. A smile slowly grows on her mouth. Is she ticklish? I slowly trace my fingers along her side. Her smile grows bigger and she lets out a bunch of giggles. She soon starts laughing louder and louder.

"Stop, Please!" She squeals out. She rolls over trying to get away from my hand. I rest on my knees and tickle her more. She tries to shove my hand off of her. "Please!" She squeals some more.

This is really fun knowing that she is ticklish. I should tickle her more often. She squirms around trying to move away from my hands. I remove my hand letting her catch her breath. She gives a huff while catching her breath.

"I think I like the fact that you're ticklish," I say smiling down at her. Her hair is sprawled out around her face. She's still in her blue sweater like yesterday. She hasn't taken it off once since she's put on her swim suit. It's a bit irritating. I don't have a reason for her to take it off but I still want to see her in it.

"Don't tell people. It's not proper for it to be known that a lady is ticklish." She says with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"I won't tell," I say with a smile. "For a price of course," I say. After all, I'm a businessman. I don't do something unless there is something in it for me.

"What is the price?" She asks skeptically. I give a smile. What should I ask for? She slowly sits up and brushed the sand from her sweater. What is something that I can't get myself?

"How about a kiss?" I tease. She freezes in her spot with wide eyes. I give a smirk, I love to tease her. She looks away from my face. Did I embarrass her? I love to do that as well.

"Fine, but just one." She suddenly says. Now it's my turn to be shocked. Is she actually going to kiss me? I was just teasing her. I never thought that she would go through with it.

She leans closer and pushed her lips to mine. I freeze for a moment. She's actually kissing me just because I asked her for one. I soften into the kiss and take control. Her lips are as soft as last time I kissed her. I wrap my arms around her back and bring her closer to me.

The smell of lavender fills my nose. I can't get enough of her. I pull her closer to get more of the smell.

She pulls back. I look at her face. She's blushing more than before. I give a satisfied smirk. She's grown more comfortable around me compared to when we first met. She would never have kissed me like that on her own.

"H-How was that?" She asks.

"That was...good," I say. It was actually great but I don't need her fainting because I embarrassed her too much.

"So what should we do now?" She asks looking around the beach.

What should we do? We already build a sandcastle. I look out to the water. Maybe walking in the water a bit would be nice. It would cool us down.

This could be a good idea to try and see her in her swimsuit. Jeez, I feel like a teenage boy tried to peek into the girl's locker room.

"How about a swim?" I ask. She looks over to the water and smiles.

"That is a great idea." She says with a smile. I stand up and help lift her up. I shake the bits of sand that are stuck to me. Hinata does the same.

She grips the hem of her sweater. She pulls up at the cloth and removes her sweater to reveal her lavender two piece swimsuit.

The suit looks good on her. A bit too good. Her swimsuit hugs her body everywhere it touches.

"Let's go!" She says excitedly grabbing my hand and heading towards the water. I let her pull me along to the water.

She and I both step into the cool water. It's a bit colder than I thought it was going to be. It's not bad, though. Hinata gives a small giggle.

She kicks a bunch of water up at me. I turn to avoid water getting in my eyes. So she wants to play?

I do the same and kick a big wave at her. She laughs turning her head. She smiles back at me. She moves in a bit deeper to the water and swishes her hand, that's not in the cast, to send a wave in my direction.

(Hinata's POV)

I let out a giggle. This is so much fun. I honestly can't remember the last time that I've enjoyed myself this much. I'm so glad that Itachi wanted to come here. It's nice that we're able to be alone and get to know each other. He's also been sweeter on me than he is in public.

I don't know why I said yes to the kiss earlier. I just did. I'm glad I did though. I enjoyed it more than I probably should.

I look up to see Itachi moving closer to me.

"Don't think that you can get away with getting me wet without retribution." He says in a playful tone. I feel my face heat up. Why does he always make me feel so self-conscious?

I fidget a bit. I feel the water around me swish from my movement. The water moves more as Itachi moves closer to me. He stops in front of me.

"My turn." He says with a devilish smile. He holds his cupped hands above my head. I look at his eyes and they are gleaming with excitement.

He parts his hands and water drips down onto my head. It's cold and gives my head a weird feeling. I look up at him feeling water drip from my hair.

He's smirking. He is having fun. I give a smile. I like it when he's playful. He seems more like Itachi and less like Mr. Uchiha.

"I just poured water into your head and you smile?" He asks me. I give a nod and smile more.

"Yes. If you're having fun then I'm having fun too." I say. I swish water back at him with my good hand. He chuckles and does the same back at me.

I 'run' away from him back to shore. He follows me, capturing me by the waist before I can reach the shore.

"And you're going where?" He asks in my ear. I blush. He has such a seductive voice when he wants it to be.

"I was gonna go to shore," I mutter out. I feel my face heat up as I look away from him.

"And why were you going to do that?" He asks. I fidget my fingers. I don't know how to answer. "If you're not going to answer me then I'm going to put you in a time out." He says.

He grips my waist and pulls me up over his shoulder. I feel water dripping off my legs and back into the large body of water. I feel him moving to shore.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask trying to look at his face.

"To put you in a time out." He shouts back to me. I can hear the laugh in his voice. 

(That is it for now.

Let me know what you think is going to happen next. Please give this chapter a rate if you so desire. 

Until next time bye!!!!!!!)

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