My Break Down

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(Hello everyone. I hope you are having a good day. Before I start this chapter there is a person known as Doc Truyen and this person has been stealing books from authors from Wattpad. If you know authors let them know and if you are one. To check if he stole yours place your name and then his. If he stole your work it will pop up. If so change your password and I would recommend telling Wattpad about this. I did because one of mine was stolen. Please be careful. Anyways I don't own Naruto or any characters. 

Enjoy this chapter.)

(Itachi's POV)

I finish tying my tie. I look at myself in the mirror. I don't think I'm forgetting anything. I step out of my room and into the hallway. I see a blue haired figure in front of me. I see Hinata leaving her room. She's been with me for roughly a month now.

We go on more frequent 'dates' now. We head out for dinner once a week. It was my mother's idea. I mean I've gotten to know her better these past few weeks. We don't talk that much here at home. She's always reading and always planning the wedding. I'm always working. We don't get that much time to talk. Work has been getting more and more stressful with me getting my fathers position.

Hinata had scolded me about being rude to her friend when he was over. She's asked me after he left if I would be nice to him. I had said that I would try to but I didn't guarantee anything.

"Are you ready?" She asks stuttering a bit. Hinata tends to stutter around me when we're not in public. I see that she's wearing a floor length strapless dress. On her arms, she's wearing white gloves. Her hair is down and brushed to the side. She looks beautiful.

"Yes, are you?" I ask back. She nods her head once and intertwines her hands in front of her. "Good," I say and turn to her. "Before I forget," I say pulling a box out of my coat. "A fiancé of mine should have a ring," I say, opening the box and handing it to her.

I'm surprised that the press didn't notice this little overlook before I could get it fixed. I had one of my assistants get the ring for me. I very well couldn't be seen looking for a ring or people would get suspicious. I'm just glad that Hinata wears gloves almost everytime we go out.

"It's so pretty." She says taking off her glove. She pulls the ring out of the box and starts to places it on the appropriate finger. I reach out a hand and stop her.

"I think that I should be the one to put the ring on your finger. Let's try and keep some things normal as much as we can." I say. She hands me the ring and I place the ring on her finger. It's a simple ring with a diamond. I didn't think that Hinata would want something flashy. She doesn't seem like the very blingy kind of person.

"It's so pretty, I love it." She says staring at the ring. I think that is my favorite look on her. She looks so happy it actually soothes me. Her smile is so warm and inviting.

"There now, let's go to the ball," I say, walking to the door. She follows behind me while slipping her glove back on. I open the door for her to walk through before me. We walk down to the car and like always I open the door for her. She climbs in and I go to the driver's side.

"So your family throws a ball every year just for fun?" She asks as I pull out of the garage.

"You could say that it's a family reunion. The entire Uchiha clan comes and we catch up and the men talk business." I explain as I drive to my parent's house.

"Then why am I going to this?" She asks. "I'm not an Uchiha." I give a small chuckle. She can be adorable.

"You will be one," I say. She looks away from me to try and hide the blush that is creeping on her face. She blushes a lot.

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