i almost hit someone

16 7 15

so we (my family. there are 9 of us) went to go get ice cream last night. and the place has outside windows so we were all waiting in line. in front of us there's this group of 5 people. 3 brothers probably around 13, 16, and 18 years old. and then the 2 older one's girlfriends.

the one girlfriend is just messing around and is standing on a bench. th conversation goes

bf "get down from there"
gf "nah"
bf "sit down right now"
gf "no its nice up here"
bf "im your boyfriend get down"
gf "psh"

and then he proceeds to push her off. then when we get close to the window he keeps hugging her when she asks him to stop and he frEAKING DOESNT and OH. MY. GOODNESS.

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