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especialtysMental Health Support System!
(I adapted this to further fit my needs from something I had seen someone post. feel free to use this system that I will be using with my partner! It's purpose is for those who have metal health issues, to be able to better express their emotions without having to explain exactly what is going on, because often people can accurately express those feelings that they are feeling. At least, for myself anyways. This is great for me and my partner because I have bpd, and I think it can be a great system to use with partners, allies, and friends!)
GREEN - Everything is okay. I am doing fine. no need to worry/stress. I love you.
BLUE - I've had a rough day, please be gentle with me.
PINK - Stressed/anxious. May need encouragement. Will take a while to recover.
PURPLE - I've been down for a while and I don't know why. Need support and love.
YELLOW - I'm really not doing well and I'd like someone to keep an eye on me/check in regularly and send support and love.
BROWN - I'm sad/upset and need someone to talk/vent/rant to. Please call me. Comfort needed afterwards.
ORANGE - I'm having a crisis. Please call me or come over straight away. I can't cope on my own.
RED - Call 911. I can't thing properly and I believe I may hurt myself or others. Do NOT wait.
WHITE - I don't feel any emotion at all and I can't figure out why. Please call/visit me and offer support as to why my coping mechanism kicked in. Please be cautious with using known trigger words, I could possibly lash out. I'm sorry, if I do it is not intentional. I never want to hurt you.
BLACK - I am feeling too many emotions at once and I need someone to help me sort them all out. Calling or visiting me whilst offering love and support is what I need. Please be gentle with me, I am in a frenzy and could turn into a crisis at any moment.

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