CH 4: Business

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It was already 6:30 pm when I arrived home... Time to prepare my clothes and my gear...

I take off my clothes and go in the washroom to go get a shower. Once I finish, I wrap myself in my towel and go to my room and pick out the clothes I wanted to wear for the raid tonight..

Black ripped jeans, black timberlands, black tank top, and a black leather jacket was what you went for.. It was your style.. Not like the shitty simple school clothing you had to wear.

I got dressed and put on my smokey black make-up and curled my hair.. Now all I needed to fix is my gear then I'm headed to headquarters which was 30 minutes away from the house..

I brought out a black gym bag that was inside my closet and opened my hatch for my weapons. There were shelves of weapons that I was very familiar with.

I got a sniper rifle, a shot gun, a dagger, a machine gun, and bullets for all the guns.

I placed all the weapons inside the bag and zipped the bag closed and went out to my motorbike with the bag.

I hopped on my motorbike and rode away to headquarters.

~30 minutes later~

I arrive at headquarters which was near the edge of the city.. Not spottable by police. For now.

I walk in headquarters with my weapons and go to one of my team member's office spaces.
I knock on the door.

???: Come in.

I enter the room and see him looking at his papers very focused.

Y/N: Yah! Are you going to say anything to me Jeon Jungkook??

He looks up to me and gives a small smile.

Jungkook: Hey! Y/N! Are you ready for the raid tonight??

Y/N: Yes! I brought my personal weapons for me to use..

Jungkook: Oh that's cool! Welp, the boss was looking for you just a moment ago.

I stare at him for a few seconds.

Y/N: Really? Welp, gotta see him now.. Byee!!

I wave to Jungkook and he waves back at me as I leave his office space.

Jungkook, an attractive teammate who can do anything... Thinking about him makes my heart flutter a bit.... Although he is a very different person than most people.. He isn't normal that's for sure.

What is wrong with me today....

I walk to the door of the boss.. I knocked on it thrice.

???: You may enter.

I opened the door slowly and entered the big office of the boss.. I walked up to his desk and stopped right in front of it. I see the boss also on his paper work.

Y/N: Ace reporting. You called me boss? As I keep a straight face still looking at him.

He suddenly looks up at me and gives me a big smile showing off his deep dimples.

???: Yah! I called you in as a brother, not a boss for now Y/N.

I nod at him. I give off a sigh..

Y/N: So, how have you been Namjoon??

Namjoon: I'm doing my business as usual... How was the first day of school?

As he asked the question, I walked behind the office table to hug him by his back.

Y/N: It was okay.. Met new people.. But classes were interesting but boring at the same time depending on the subject...

He hugged me back as I said this.

Kim Namjoon... He brought me in when I was alone.. I always thought of him as a brother.. Even though he was the leader of one of the worlds most dangerous mafia groups... He was the person whom I trust the most.. Besides V....

V has been very weird lately, most especially after I saw him after all those years.... He is different... He has a different aura than when we were kids.... I'll go talk to him when I get back to school.

He let go of the hug going back to his paper work, and I walk back to the front of his desk.

Namjoon: That was not the school I remember going to... I was one of the top students when I went to that school.

Y/N: Really?? Cool, I wish I was as smart as you...

I admired him in what he did in his life... Sacrificing many many things for benefits in different things..... He was trustworthy and smart.... I blushed a bit about thinking what I just said..... Luckily he didn't notice me..... I'm so stupid....

Namjoon laughs slightly as he heard what I just said.

Namjoon: Welp, you still have to study. That's why I brought you to school.

Y/N: I knoww.. You kept telling me this before I even went to school...

There was silence for a few seconds.. His face suddenly turns into a serious one, not like he was my brother.. More like a powerful leader.

Namjoon: Now as your boss, are you ready for tonight's raid?? It's already 7:30 pm. You should train for the mean time.

My face turned serious as I heard him say 'As your boss '.

Y/N: Yes boss, I am already prepared for the raid tonight. I would like to ask, where is the building we're going to raid tonight?

Namjoon looks at me like he was about to say something more serious than anything...

Namjoon: It's near the port. Why are you asking Ace??

Y/N: I would just like to ask to properly prepare myself for tonight.. It has been a while since I went to raid with you boss.

He slightly nodded.

Namjoon: You may go.

As he said this he went back again to his paper work.

Y/N: Yes boss.

I walked out of the room closing the door and went to the training room to meet up with my trainer.

As I went in, there was a sudden fight...


Tnx guys for reading.. sorry if i don't update much.. hehe... im sooo busy.. hehe next chapter there is action promise.. this has mafia shit, and i WILL show you mafia shit.. There are also demonic stuff here judging by the cover.. thats coming soon!! OOOooooOoo when is it?? Im not telling ;) just find out soon.. i already gave hints but they were very small when it comes to the demonic stuff.. very very subtle.. hehe kekeke.. Tnx for reading again!! ❤❤❤ Hope you are still reading.. PLEASE SHARE!! ;-;

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