CH 7: Truth

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Jackson and Mark went in the office as quickly as they could and once they saw me.. They were in complete shock... They have never seen my cry in their whole lives....

They quickly went up to me and looked at my face.. It was covered in tears and makeup......

Jackson: Y/N! What happened?!!

Mark: Y/N! Why are you crying??

Jackson looked at Namjoon in a disgusted way and went up to him stopping right in his face.

Jackson: What did you do to her??

Namjoon: I told her part of her past..... Parts of the whole truth about her life...

Jackson immediately knew the situation and looked down..

Jackson: Sorry boss...

Namjoon: It's fine.. I know as a friend you must be hurt to see her cry... I'm hurt myself just seeing her cry and hurt....

Jackson went up to me again while Mark was still trying to comfort me.

Jackson: Help me bring Y/N to her house... She needs rest....

Mark nodded in agreement. Jackson put my right arm over his shoulder and Mark put my left arm over his shoulder... They picked me up and brought me out of the office to bring me home where I can rest...

As I am carried out of the office.. All of our team mates and members notice me in my state and looked at me with concern.. Jungkook and Hoseok were talking with each other and as they heard the whispers of concern over me.. They saw me crying.. For the first time.... They ran up to me in great concern...

Jungkook: Y/N! What's wrong??!

I ignore everything around me.. Even what Jungkook just said...

Hoseok: Y/N! What's wrong??!!

I also ignore Hoseok in my deep state of distance.....

Jackson: She went through something just now.. We are bringing her home right now...

Jungkook: We'll go with you!

Jackson nodded..

Jackson: Thanks, she really needs it...

They bring me to their car and drive me home....

~30 minutes later~

The ride was very silent....

They brought me in my house and brought me upstairs to my room.... They sat me down on the bed. I was still looking at the distance still processing what Namjoon just said... Hoseok sat on the bed beside me to my left and Jackson to my right.. Jungkook was on my couch which was only a few feet away from the bed.. Mark was sitting to his right.... Everyone was gloomy....

They look at me still in concern...

Jackson: Y/N... Tell us what's wrong so we can help you..

Hoseok nods in agreement....

I start to open my mouth and tell them everything.. More tears pour down my face...

They look at me in surprise.. They felt the same as they learned part of my past that Namjoon just told me....

There was more silence for the next few minutes..

I suddenly laid down on my bed forming a ball...

They still look at me as I cry to sleep... They were really concerned about me....

~Next Morning~

I stood up from my bed and see Jungkook to my right sleeping and Hoseok to my left... They were sleeping like angels together.. Mark and Jackson were leaning on each other on the couch..

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