CH 16: Unrevealed Truth

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I was staring at him rudely while Jungkook was in the bushes trying to listen to out conversation...

Y/N: What do you want Yoongi??

Yoongi: I'm going to tell you the real truth...

Y/N:........ Fine... You got 1 hour to convince me...

Yoongi: What Namjoon told you was only partly true...

I look at him shocked... Offended...

Y/N: What?

Yoongi: He lied to you.. I don't know his reasons but he lied to you.... I'm here to tell you what really happened...

I look at him blankly and he just continues...

Yoongi: The way he accepted you into the group was also a lie.....

I continue to listen....

Yoongi: I used to work for Namjoon along with Jin.. He gave us an assignment to kill off one angel and one demon... They were your parents...... We went to your house to do our job.. Yes me and Jin killed your parents, but it was on Namjoon's orders for us.. We were supposed to kill you, but he himself arrived for our job and found you... He thought you would be useful for his group.. So he gained your trust because you are a huge asset for the group... Once I heard this, I told this to Jin and we both left the mafia group... So basically we knew what you were along with your parents...

I look emotionless.... I have nothing to say...

Yoongi: Namjoon told me and Jin about Jungkook before our assignment and we agreed since there was no going back... He sold your parents' dead bodies to scientists to research on them more...

Why are you telling me this now??

Why didn't anyone tell me this in the first place??

Did Namjoon really lie to me??

Did he protect me from the harsh truth that he was the one that killed them and that he used me for his business purposes??

Yoongi: Now that you manifested, me and Jin thought this would be the best time to tell you about him and I seeing that you were looking at me like like shit when I first arrived to this school for another assignment from the police....

I don't know why..... I feel emotionless...

My emotions left me while I was listening to Yoongi's words....

Yoongi: If you have heard the code names ' Suga ' and ' Jin ' in the group, that meant me and Jin.....

Suga and Jin?? The ultimate duo?? The legendary fighters in the group?? He and Jin were them..... Who knew......

Yoongi: So I would like to ask you after telling you the real truth... Can you trust me and Jin from this day fourth to protect you??

I look at him... Tears suddenly form in my eyes... I go on my knees..... I cover my face from embarrassment that I was crying... Yoongi goes behind my back and crouches, he lightly pats by back trying to comfort me..

I have already been through hell in my manifestation seeing them die over and over and over again.... Why is this happening to me so suddenly?? I'm confused on what to do now in my life...

Jungkook's POV

I hear the whole conversation....

Suddenly, Y/N's knees dropped and she started to cry....

Namjoon, I know you wanted to protect her.. But I didn't know that it was to the point that you lied to her about her past....

I wanted to run to her and take care of her, but I can't... She would kill me....

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