Chapter 17:

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The best technic of writing story, Is by putting your heart in it.
                                               -R. P. B



"Theory of what Si?" The quiet Trixia(Zayn Mom) a while go sudden questioned. Her eyes were bloated explains how much she cries. It makes me feel more guilty seeing these parents in this situation.

I breathed heavily before I started to talk.

"He said that there are possibility that the boys jet landed in the sea around asia... The problem is that... it will take 1 more month to fully explore the sea." I stated. Waiting for their reactions.

"W-wait... a-are you stating there's a posibility that our sons was drown?" Karen quivering in nervous. As her eyes widen in my news.

I shook my head side to side.

"Let's hope not. Just let us assure that this thing is to keep."-Me

"Oh yeah, great. Our sons we don't know if it 'is' or 'was' in danger and now you want us to keep this while the fastest way to find them is by the help of these people... Simon they can help us... the only thing is that the media. We have to announce this. " Anne retorted. Restraining herself to flare up in anger.

"She's right, we have to inform people about what happened then--: '

"Then what? Giving the person maneuver of killing them the chance to put their life into another danger? Is that what you want?" I strongly said to them. I maybe too selfish not to proclaim the boys estate in the media. But I'm so sure that spreading this kind of news to the world only result in another life threatening circumstances to them. If ever they've survive....

and I wish they are.

The room filled again in silence..
I leaned in my swivel chair as I breathed again heavily. Exchanging looks to them.

"Listen everybody, I know that you've been worrying so much this time around but... don't get me wrong. Declaring this sort of problem to the world, May cause another serious predicament. And we all don't want it to happen. Right?” I told them lowly.

Silence again...

"All we have to do is to plan all these thing right and hope for their safety." Suddenly Anne stood up and without a doubt, she walk out.

Then Maura walks toward my position.

"J-just please Simon.. do all you can to find them." She said in teary eye.

I nodded in agreement.

"I will." I answered. As they all headed out of the conference room.



I sudden raised from my wodden bed, when my sleepy feeling blewn away by my lads loud snores.

They have to be so thankful for not having phones here or else I'm going to record their funny snores or taking video on them while sleeping..


Stretching my aching shoulder my feet fumbled the flip flops I am using. And went straight in the window. As I open the curtain. The wind from the sea came in. Curtain blowing away, gently touching my skin.

This place is becoming more relaxing than what we've thought it is at first. We maybe checking-in into expensive five star hotels before but the amazing  feeling and rest that this place is giving is something that city can't provide.

Well, in certain time it is...

Maybe if it wasn't to this "boubear" boy here, it is impossible for us to do nothing.

As a matter of fact Sydney and her couzin got terrified of us winning the dare.

Anyway, that grilled fish and fish sauce taste great----

I suddenly snapped from my deep thoughts when a pillow is being cast through my nape.
I turn around..

Only to see Niall, laughing lowly of what he did.

“You're crazy..” I told him shooking my disapprovingly as I grin. He raising in his bed climbing down his bed and walk towards my position.

“Why still up? “ He asked. Manly tapping on my shoulder.

“Well... How can I sleep along with this lads snoring horrendously in my ears? And.. you seems have the same problem with it. “ I said. Exchanging gaze between him to them..

“Actually...” He said nodding his head while stalking towards the door.

“Where you going?” I questioned
He quickly turned around.

“Uhm... in the patio.. wanna come? “ He asked. I then walks through his position.

“I think I have too. I hope ‘sleepy feeling' is in there. “ I told him.
This is actually our first time to hang out in the patio and I wanted to see the view outside since full moon showed up.

But then on our way to there.

A soft strum of guitar is in heard through the patio. And as we get closer the sounds getting louder.

Niall in furrowed brow.

“Who's that? “ I asked him. As his brow becomes flatten of the realization. It's seems like a bulb lit above his head.

“I know who. “ He told me almost whispering. He then started to walked slowly. And I do the same and we sneak behind the Patio door to see who's playing guitar.


We gaped in amazed. Tremendously staring at the two girls playing guitar.

Sydney and Khate is playing guitar.
Strumming this amazing music we've never heard before.
I don't know if it is becoz they're to lazy to word out the lyrics or don't know the exact lyrics making them to just hummed the music instead of singing.

Suddenly, Niall collided to one of the flowerpot in patio door causing him to whimper in pain.

Now they got us...

The two girls wonder-stricken of our sudden emergence. They almost strike the guitar over us.

“Woooh.. woooh.. relax. “I told them as my hands up.

“What are you guys doing in there? “Syd managed to ask in between  annoyance and suprise.

“A-ahm... n-nothing... we're just about to hang out here. But you're here. “ I startled.

“Well, You sounds pretty much obvious of jerking around. “ Khate retorted back.

“O-of course not. “ Niall with crimpled brow and grin in his lips.

“Just make sure sunny head. “ Khate then took her guitar as Syd do the same, they both throw menacing gaze onto us and stalk away.

Niall smirk shooking his head disapprovingly.

“Those girls are crazy. “ He mumbles.

“Yeah it is. And got worsen of too much annoyance. “ I grin leaning on the patio railings as I look up in the dark sky glittered by the stars and moon.

“But admit it the music they're playing, the rythm is amazing. “

I nodded.

Yeah it is, the music really captivating. And the sound catches my head.


Hi guys it's been 3 days I guess sorry.. 😭😭
Love you...

Unexpectedly Mr. Famous (Tagalog/English)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon