The Strange One - Suzuya Juuzo x Reader

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This One Shot is about Suzuya Juuzo from Tokyo Ghoul which of course I didn't own, I just wrote this fic. Hope you'll enjoy it.

(y/n/n) = your nickname

(y/n/n) = your nickname

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Ghouls. Ghouls. Ghouls and Ghouls.

You couldn't wake up and turn up the television without hearing about them. You stared at the screen while eating breakfast.

-Another murder ... - You sighed -Work isn't going good, right dad?- You asked your father, Shinohara Yukinori.

-Actually no- He answered at the newspaper.

-Well if I only could ... -You didn't finished.

-I know what you think: you want to join the doves right?- He said now looking at you.

-Please! I want to be of help!- You prayed him.

-The situation now is really critic, you could die so I can't let you do this- He said for the seventysixth time -By the way you have school, now you must focus on that-

-Dad, I'm in the last year and when I'll finish the school ... well I don't know what I'll do, the only thing that I want to do is to protect people from Ghouls!-

-I just remembered about something- He totally ignored me !!! -We'll have a guest for dinner, so try to be at home on time-

-A guest huh?- You asked confused.

-Yes, someone from work. Maybe he'll manage to change your mind ... - He said when you were already about to go out.

-Don't count too much about that, bye bye!- You said closing the door behind you. Shit, it's so cold!

You started walking to school, when you were almost arrived you met your best and only friend.

-Hi Aki!- You said trying to wear a happy face but you couldn't at all.

-Hi (y/n/n) .. another fight?- She asked you, you've known each other for years so it was obvious that something wasn't right.

-Not a fight ... just a little argument ... like always ... -You sighed.

-(y/n/n), please don't get mad at me, but I agree with your father- You glared at her -I mean, don't you think you're too young-

-Ghouls killed Saki- You simply said not looking at her, Saki was yours and Aki's other best friend, both of you get really depressed when you saw her murder while you couldn't do anything -Don't you want revenge too?- You became angry because none ever understood this feeling of yours.

-Yes, I want but this isn't the right way to get it- She clearly didn't know what to say.

-So, what it is?- She didn't reply -Like I expected...- You walked to your class, you were really sorry for having said those things to her. It was all because of Ghouls, they were ruining your life. For the rest of the day you didn't talk to Aki and when the school ended you went to drink an hot chocolate to calm your nerves. While drinking you wrote a message to her, you wanted to apologize, she was the only one who listened to you even if she didn't understood you at all. She accepted your excuses soon and the two of you started chatting, you already missed talking to her after just a day without saying a word to each other. You didn't even realize that it was getting dark and as soon as you noticed it you run to your home. Dad is going to kill me! He ever get angry with me when I'm late because he fears that I may be attack by Ghouls, but today there's too that guest! I have to hurry up!

Finally you reached the flat -I'm home, sorry I'm late .... - You said quickly taking off your shoes.

-(y/n) finally you're back, we were worried- Your father now in front of you said.

-Sorry sorry- You smiled hoping that smiling would solve it all. It was then when you noticed someone behind him. He must be the guest ...but he seems to be around my same age, how can he be a dove???

-Oh this is our guest- Your father said smiling moving away so you could see the boy, he had white hair, red eyes and all over his arms and somewhere on his face there were stitches. He was quite strange, but you liked strange people.

-Hi! I'm Suzuya Juuzo!- At first you thought he was a bit shy but now he didn't seem to be anymore.

-Hi Juuzo, my name's (y/n), but for friends is (y/n/n) – You said with a smile as wide as his.

-Ahah actually you don't look like someone who has many friends!- He laughed, you stared at him, none had ever said something like that to you, even you're father was worried and probably he thought that you were about to kill Suzuya. But instead of that you started laughing too.

-You said it so directly that I just can't stop laughing!- You had to leanon that wall to not fall.

Even after dinner you and Suzuya talked about random things, you spoke about school and he about work, until he said smiling -Killing Ghouls is really really fun!- You just smiled back, but you couldn't reply -What's wrong (y/n/n)?-

-I would like to have fun killing Ghouls too ... - You just whispered, careful to not let your father hear that.

-But pretty girls like you shouldn't fight against Ghouls- He said ruffling your hair. Pretty girls .... like me ... this boy is definitively really strange  -Why do you want that?-

-They killed one of the people I most cared about, I will never forgive them- You just said without looking at his red eyes.

-You don't have to. There's no reason for you to forgive them. It's normal for you to hate them after what they did to you- He said with his hand now on your cheek -But trust me, right now you can't do anything- You raised up your head.

-What do you mean with this?-

-You're angry right? When you are angry and you're in front of your enemy you just can't manage to think clearly – What he was saying .... it was kind of true. You would never have your revenge.

A tear started streaming down the cheek where his hand stood and he immediately wiped it away, your (e/c) eyes met his red ones -(y/n) I promise you that I will kill all those Ghouls for you- Yes, he was really distinct from everyone you've ever met. You knew you two would get along really well.

-Thank you, Juuzo!- You smiled between tears. There he was. You just found the one who managed to understand how you felt and to make you feel better. The strange one, of course.  

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