Soulmates - Sora x Reader

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This One Shot is about Sora from No Game No Life, which of course I didn't own, i just wrote this fic. I hope you'll enjoy it. 

By the way this one is a bit differente from the others, I wrote those in second person, while this one is first person, actually i think that from now on I'll always write these one shots in first person, I found it easier. 


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-(y/n), what's wrong?- He sounded worried, I shook my head, I didn't want him to be worried about me.

-It's alright, Sora- I managed to smiled, but he knew me enough to understand that that was a fake.

-No, it isn't, you're crying, how could it be alright??- He was more worried by every second, he was getting angry too -Who the hell made you cry!?- He half shouted, we were at the lunch pause at school, all the students around turned to look at us.

-I ....just got a bad mark, you don't have to shout like this- I don't even know why I lied to him, he would found out.

-You're too smart to get bad marks- He continued shouting, some of the students were laughing at us, I stayed silent -Understood- He said, then he walked past the corridors, I tried to stop him but he was kind of strong when he was 16, I didn't want him to see what made me cry, I couldn't even imagine what would happen next.

But he saw it as soon as he reached my class. What was on my desk. Those words.

Die. Why don't you just die? Kill yourself! Useless. Piece of shit. Dumb. World would be a better place without you. Go, die. Suicide.

But there was something more, a flower pot was there on my desk.

Sora stared at the desk , I stared at him and everyone stared at us, someone was laughing. Suddenly he struck the nearest person who was laughing, he punched him back and it soon end up in a fight.

After a few minutes a teacher came to stop it and I brought Sora to the infirmary.

-Sora, why did you do that? Oh it's all my fault ... - I sighed.

-It's not your fault, it's theirs!- He was still angry -It's this world's fault, this world sucks, there's noway that this could be your fault,(y/n)-

-We have to hold on just for this year and another one, right?- He nodded sadly -Or ... we can runaway, just me, you and Shiro- I tried to smile truly, the three of us have been best friends for years, I trusted only them. He giggled.

-This sound so good- Then he sighed -But we can't, we would be cowards, we have to face this, I'm sorry, I know that is really difficult for you, but you can count on me! I'll be always be there for you, if someome make you feel sad just tell me and I'll ... - I didn't lethim finish, I felt like I had to hug him, and so I did.

-Thank you, Sora... - I tried to keep the tears in, successfully -But you don't have to ... do what you did today, I don't want you to get hurt for me-

I've always had a crush for Sora, he was the only one who I could count on, I could talk to him without being judged. After that day I fell in love with him even more.

End of flashback

Two years has gone by, when I ended school I became happier, I could met Shiro and Sora every day, and when I couldn't reach them I would always call them. This was until a month ago when they disappeared. I tried to call them thousands of times, but they never answer.

One day I decided to visit them, so I went to their place but they didn't answer the door, insecure I opened the door myself and walked in.

There was none to be found.

I was in the their room, their computer was open, it showed a chess match which they won, I didn't know what to do.

-Maybe they just went to the supermarket .... - I thought -No no, it's impossible, they never go out- I fell on my knees -Sora ... Shiro.... where are you?- I went back to my own flat. We've never stayed away from each other this long -Maybe this is just a bad bad bad dream- Hoping that what I was thinking was true I went to sleep.

I was woke up by the sunlight on my face, I looked around but I wasn't in my room anymore, it seemed to be the shore of a rivere, I got up and went on the near road, everything around looked like a strange medieval city -What the hell is this place?????- I shouted, some of the people around me turned and stared at me but then they just ignored me everyone except a girl with pink hair, she ran to me.

-Who are you?- She asked me, she looked a bit worried, surprised and shocked at the same time.

-My name's (y/n)- I answered trying to keep calm.

-What a strange name- I heard she whisper -What are you? Are you a Imanity??-

-Imanity?- I asked confused.

-Are you human!?- She shouted this question, but she didn't seem angry, just more surprised.

-Y-yes....-I asnwered, why this should surprise her this much?

-Come with me- She took my wrist and she brought me who knows where. We reached a castle, we "walked" in until we arrived in a big room with a big bed with someone on it, but I was too taken by catching my breath so I didn't saw them.

-(y/n)-chan?- I heard a childish voice, I could recognize her everywhere. Shiro? No, it's impossible, this doesn't make any sense, this one must be a dream. But when I raised my head I saw two familiar faces. Shiro ran and hugged me -I missed you (y/n)-chan- I smiled and stroked herhair.

-Me too Shiro- Then I looked up to Sora, he was just staring at me -I thought I would never found you- I sad smiling, with red cheeks andred eyes. He walked to me and once Shiro let me go, Sora hugged me ten times closer, I hugged him the same way -I couldn't stand a life without you- I whispered.

-You don't know how much I was worried about you, I'm sorry, we've just disappeared- He said, he didn't seem he wanted to broke the hug already -Did someone hurt you? Are you alright?- The pink haed stared at us confused.

-I'm okay- I nodded -What about you two?- I smiled, I didn't care to know what kind of strange place was that, the only thing that mattered was that Sora and Shiro were there.

-Well... - Sora answered -Life here is cool, but living it without the one you love make it boring, so I'm happy now that you're here- He smiledand I smiled back, then I realized, and Sora realized too: he became red and he tried to explain what he just said with nonsense things, I couldn't believe it, maybe he was talking about some actress he likes.... -SHUT UP!!!!- He yelled.

-Sora.. none have said anything ...- I said a bit frightened.

-I was talking to myself... - He sighed then he looked deep into my eyes -I'm just trying to say .... that I love you- I heard Shiro clapping.

-You did it Nii-chan!!- She said, I smiled letting him know that I loved him back, he took my face in his hands while I was hugging him again,then he kissed me. 

My first kiss, it was beautiful - I've always thought that we were meant to be, I've never known someone like you, you're unique to me, now I know that we really are soulmates ... - I was really touched by his words I hoped that this would last forever, but I broke it myself when I notice something.

-Why none told me that I'm still in my pajama!?!?- I half shouted, the other two couldn't hold the laughs -I just gave my first kiss wearing my pajama- I said childish and embarassed, while Sora ruffled myhair.

That was quite embarassing, but I couldn't be sad now, I just found my two best friends, and the one I loved loved me back, who in the world would be sad?   

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